I shouldn't have to tell him that he will see him again in Heaven, of this I have no doubt.
That's the Princess, Spiderman, and a dog that J's aunt was dogsitting, on a tree at the park.
* Time for a little brag. Those of you who have been reading for a while, know of my weight loss journey I've been on for nearly a year now. And you know that I have lost over 110 lbs. So, I'm entitled to a small brag, right? Good.
My mom got me a new scrub outfit for Christmas. My current scrub size?
Extra small petite. If you know how far I've come, you'll allow this little brag! I think I've earned it. I'm still amazed by the changes.
* That's all the randomness my brain will produce at this moment. I know there's more stuff in there, but it will have to wait for another day. I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season, and I can't wait to catch up with everyone....probably next year!
It's Friday again, and I've got some Fragments for ya!
Friday Fragments are courtesy of Half Past Kissin' Time.
One Dog Down
One of our fosters got picked up yesterday, and is on her way to her (hopefully) Forever Home. I say hopefully because I didn't have any communication with the adopter at all, and this is not your ordinary dog. After being with us for several months, she's still extremely timid, and scared of her own shadow. She has issues, and she's not a happy, playful dog. She's a sweet, fearful dog. I have no idea if these potentional adopters know this or anything else about her. When we started fostering for this group, we were told that we would have contact with any potential adopter of our fosters and whether or not we thought it was the right fit. I've gotten none of that this time, and I am not happy. Between that and some other things that have been bugging me, we're not going to foster for them any more. There are several local non-breed-specific rescues and we're in the process of choosing which one to volunteer with.
This is one of the first pics we took of her (on the left, with a former foster we adopted, Suzie). You can tell by her body language how frightened and defensive she is.
* I am thankful for Spiderman's mother - because she gave birth to him, and he is now doing so well in our home.
* I am thankful that my kids yelled and argued and ate up tons of food today - because they are at home, healthy, and happy.
* I am thankful that my parents drive me totally insane - because my mom is 65 and my dad is 72, but they are healthy and we get to spend Thanksgiving with them.
* I am thankful for our stressful jobs - because they provide for our family.
* I am thankful for my scatter-brained, sometimes thoughtless MIL - because she gave birth to my wonderful husband and obviously did a wonderful job raising him to be a kind, sensitive, generous, caring man.
* I am thankful for fur all over my black clothes - because it comes from my beloved doggies and kitty.
* I am thankful that I will get very little sleep tomorrow and will probably be exhausted - because I will be cooking for, and then visiting with, my family.
* I am thankful for bills to pay and messes to clean - because we have a comfortable home full of love.
* I am thankful for our several-years-old, uncool automobiles - because they are paid for and, most of the time, get us where we need to go.
Several times in my life, I have had things happen that appeared to be bad things at that time. But later, they turned out to be the biggest blessings ever, more than I could have ever imagined. They brought me to where I am today, and I am incredibly thankful.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Kathryn @ Seeking Sanity - for being a sweet friend and faithful commenter.
One of my turtle statues...awww
Spiderman with one of our foster dogs, Honey. How sweet is this picture??