WTD? (what the duck?!?)
It seemed to be trying to get out of the road, but it wasn't able to. I quickly made a U-turn and pulled the car over. I was hoping to help him off of the road, and maybe call a Wildlife Officer to help the poor little guy out. As I was walking towards the duck, a truck came around the corner.
"Please don't squish him, please don't squish him," I thought. Fortunately, the truck was in the outside lane, and the duck was in the inside lane.
I was almost there, walking through the grassy median, when two vehicles came around the corner. A truck on the outside lane, and a VW Beetle on the inside lane.
"Please don't squish him, please don't squish hiNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And in a flurry of feathers, the duck was no more.
The driver didn't even try to swerve, and didn't even tap his brakes! He just zoomed right by us.
Mother Ducker!!!
Seriously, I was mortified. It was awful. I just stood there for a minute, stunned, then slowly walked back to my car.
Fuck a duck.
Mother Ducker!!!
Seriously, I was mortified. It was awful. I just stood there for a minute, stunned, then slowly walked back to my car.
Fuck a duck.