Tonight is Trick or Treat on Main Street in my little town. It's a lot of fun and the kids can't wait! We usually trick or treat on the 31st, but the Florida vs. Georgia game is that night. We love our football in this town, my friends, so there will be NO trick or treating while the Gators are playing!
We decided, in an effort to cut back, to go back to basic mobile phones. Which means, no mobile internet. Which means, very little Twitter. Sad, but true. And necessary. I miss my Twitter friends much! And it's hard to get used to a plain old dumb phone when you've been spoiled by a Smart Phone. *sigh*

Last month I started working Monday - Friday nights, five 8-hour shifts. My boss asked if I could switch to working Sunday - Thursday nights, same shifts. I decided that would actually work out even better, since I wouldn't have to work every Friday night. So I switched this weekend. Last week I worked Monday-Friday, this week I worked Sunday-Thursday. Which means I worked 10 days with only one day off in between.!! I can't wait to go home and curl up in bed.
Speaking of which, I didn't get much sleep yesterday. I had to get up and go to the little kids' school, because Elayna got an Aiming High award! It was for outstanding character.
Attention All Parents! It's very important that you go and read this hilarious valuable information about keeping your kids safe on Halloween, brought to you by World of Weasels. You wouldn't want your kids to get into your candy any trouble or danger. So check it out!
What are your kids going to be for Halloween? How about you, do you dress up? I'm thinking of dressing up this year.
Hope you have a great one!
As always, don't forget to visit Mrs 4444 for more Friday Fragments!