
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

It's time for Fx4, Candid Carrie style!

We had a photo shoot at our house last night. I thought I was going to lose.my.mind! The kids acted crazy and complained about their itchy sweaters. I was all, whatever! Deal with it! AND SMILE!! It was great.

Really, we had fun but I was really hoping to get some good shots. In the end, I think we did!

(Spiderman is CRACKING UP in this picture. I'm pretty sure someone had said the word "fart".)

Have a GREAT weekend!


April said...

Love your pictures! They turned out great! It is always a huge ordeal for us to get our Christmas pictures taken. This year, believe it or not, was the first time my girls haven't gotten into an argument about SOMETHING! It was so refreshing!

Happy Friday!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I love the photos. The last one the collage is my favorite!!

Why does the word fart make a kid roll over laughing?

Shannon said...

Great collage!

Happy Friday :)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love that fam...and spiderman is def saying fart, you can see it in his face!!! that is awesome! cute pics...

Anonymous said...

I love them all!

spiderman seems a lot like my son---if anyone says "nuts" or "balls", he's laughing for hours.

Mama Wheaton said...

Did you take all the pictures? I really like the way you put them all together.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

Ohhh, family photos! Love them. Wish ours came out this nicely!

GypsiAdventure said...

You got some great pics with the family...looks like you guys had fun in the process!

Have a great weekend

Sunshine said...

Love your pictures! *I* laugh at the word "fart" (I'm laughing right now).

I seriously need to get over here MORE. Look how cute it is! And I need to figure out twitter too...

You *must* tell me where to find a Cinnamon Bun Cappucino. All day long I'm gonna be CRAVING that in a big way. :)

Thanks for stopping by my place. :)

Anonymous said...

You all look great!!!

Kori said...

I think they're all all great. WHat a lovely family.

Kat said...

Those photos are fabulous!!!
And can I just tell you, you look AMAZING! Absolutely wonderful!

Anonymous said...

You guys look so GREAT!! And you!! My goodness I cannot get over how amazing you look!! Great job..

A New Yorker said...

So nice. Glad that you shared that with us.

Anonymous said...

what great phamily photos!!

Unknown said...

So adorable! Great shots! Happy Friday!

Melissa said...

I posted about this same thing....except you got great pics!!

Gramma 2 Many said...

Really good pictures. I love the collage especially.

Anonymous said...

what a sweet family you have!! have a great weekend!!

Lynda said...

The photos are great! Love the girls on the sofa :-) And the whole family together - beautiful!

Jo-Jo said...

I think your pics turned out wonderful! And I love your background!

Swirl Girl said...

beautiful family!

they all look like you!

Honeybell said...

Those are adorable! Thank you for the secret of how to get my four boys to smile for the camera . . .

"Ok everybody . . . . FART!"

debi9kids said...

GORGEOUS pictures!!!! They really did turn out fantastic! beautiful family.

Happy friday!

Jennifer said...

very beautiful family. the pics are great.

Piper of Love said...

All I have to say is DAY-UM! You look FANTASTIC!

Chel said...

Ya'll are just collectively beautiful!!

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Those are great shots! I love the one of the girls on the couch.

You are gorgeous!

Debbie Y. said...

Congratulations to you and your team. Ya'll out-teamed us! I wish it could have been different, but it wasn't (sigh!). So my hat's off to you, Urban Meyer, Tim Tebow and the rest of the Florida Gator team.

OHmommy said...

Oh man... it has been a long time since you posted pics of yourself. You look AWESOME! teehee...


Oh gosh, I really do say awesome a lot. How about this... what a BEAUTIFUL family!!!!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Adorable family photos! Hard to tell anyone complained about itchy sweaters :-) Everyone has a picture-pretty smile. You are blessed with a beautiful family.

Mrs4444 said...

They're great!! Nice job.

Rhea said...

Those are some really great photos!! Love em. Your family is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Your family is beautiful. I love the pictures.