But I will throw out a few tidbits that don't violate anyone's privacy.
Like how my day started out this morning with my new client.
I'm going to call her Ms. J. And I'm going to tell you that she is terminally ill, and has some confusion. When I walked in this morning, she immediately remembered me and even recalled my name. Then she told me that something weird was going on, and mentioned that Sex in the City was on the TV. I confirmed that yes, it was indeed Sex in the City. At which point she got up and yelled down the hall to her daughter, who I'll call Sue.
"SUE!! Cyndy is here and there is p0rn0graphy on the television!!!"
That's maybe the best opening line of a new job EVER.
Also, she was very concerned with making sure I got paid properly. She was asking a lot of questions about it, then suddenly said "Do you know what I want you to do with the money you make today?" and I said "What's that?" and she exclaimed with delight, "Buy yourself some ice cream!"
It was SO cute. And although I won't actually get paid until Friday, I did indeed buy some ice cream tonight, because....well, who needs a reason to buy ice cream?!

P.S. I'm pretty sure they serve Publix Premium Peach Cobbler ice cream in heaven.It was SO cute. And although I won't actually get paid until Friday, I did indeed buy some ice cream tonight, because....well, who needs a reason to buy ice cream?!

She sounds delightful. Anyone to order ice cream has to be good. Lots of prayers for your client.
Glad you had a good first day!
Oh my gosh! She sounds fabulous! Love it.
So glad you had such a great first day! :)
Oh my goodness, it sounds like this was a rewarding day! I'm sure it's not always easy, but people like "Mrs. J" always do turn up to put a smile on your face! So adorable!
That is hilarious! What a cute lady. And peach cobbler ice cream?! Sounds amazing!!
She sounds wonderful! That has to be the best opening line ever...job or not. :) We don't have Publix around here, but I love Ben and Jerry's Willie Nelson's Peach Cobbler ice cream. Where was all this peach ice cream when I was pregnant back in 1986 and craving it with none to be found?
that is classic! I love it and I am so glad your first day was a good one :)
LOL..that was so funny!!! And she sounds so sweet (and fiesty)!!
Sounds like it is going to be a fun place to work. I bet she will keep you on your toes :)
Mmmm I wish I had a Publix, I wanna try that kind :(
Your new client sounds so nice and fun! I hope you continue to enjoy your time with her.
I love it! It's things like this that make everything (you do) worth while!
Yay for Ice Cream! Mrs.J sounds great!
That is awesome! I love the line about pornography! LOL
Good luck on your job!
That is a great first day! And I agree you never need a reason to buy ice cream!
Exactly! Who needs a reason to buy ice cream? ;)
Not really an ice cream fan but that peach cobbler ice cream made my mouth just water! I bet it was yummy!
That sounds SO good! Now I need to get some ice cream!
She sounds so sweet. That ice cream sounds yummy. I have to go look for some!
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