It's Saturday, and I've decided it's time for a Happy List!
#1 ~ Ever since my Elayna could talk, she has admired pink hair. The pinker, the better. She has been asking me for the longest time when she could have pink hair. Last week when I was getting my hair done, this came up in conversation and my stylist was totally on board. She talked me into bringing Elayna in to get three pink foils. Today was the big day! Elayna was SO happy!
And when Elayna is happy, I am happy! I heart that kid.

#2 ~ The kids are at their dad's this week, and while I will miss them, the fact that my house will stay relatively clean for a whole week does make me happy!

#4~ It has rained for most of the past two days here, and while I don't like driving or being out in the rain, my flowers & garden will be very happy!
#5~ I made it over the 500 follower mark, and I confess that does make me happy! Thanks, follower friends! xoxo

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
I love her hair. Its adorable. I thought about doing the same thing to my hair but its so hard to keep up with. Hope you have a great weekend.
Adorable (her, plus the hair, and the t-shirt :)
Awesome post, thanks for sharing. I've been having such a horrible time as of late, you've inspired me to sit down and blog about everything that is good in life. Thanks!
She looks adorable. You are a fun mom!
Cute hair! We have to do all crazy stuff with hair here during the summer. School policy doesn't allow for hair past the collar or any non natural colored hair or facial hair or or or
And B used to love to mohawk his and color the mohawk. LOL Can't do that anymore...
Glad you're having a good weekend!
Elayna looks so much like you in that last photo. Love the pink tresses.
Congrats on hitting the 500 mark!
I am loving the hair=)
Love that pink!
Love the pInk hair!! Popping over from the Happy List - have a great weekend!
Love it. Hooray for the pink. When our daughter was going through a stage in HS she had green hair. We decided that it's only hair and she could be doing worse things!
She looks adorable! :) I'm thinking about doing deep purple low lights and hot pink highlights in my (brown) hair. Just trying to decide if that's too wild for my normally sedate and conservative self! :)
The pink is adorable on her and in her hair. She must absolutely love it!
Yay to 500 followers. Here's to the next 500!!!
Adorable! And congrats on 500!
LOVE the pink hair! SOOOO FUN!!!
Is the whole feather craze big over there? So many people here have fun colored feathers. I can't do it because i have curly hair & a straight feather sticking out would looks stupid. Ehhh once again stupid curly hair strikes again! LOL
Oh I love the hair!!
I kinda wish I was younger so it was acceptable for me to go with pink!
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