~This week has been nothing short of fantastic. It was a good week in general; work was great, I had some good quality time with a friend & with the hubby....but best of all, there was wonderful news.....
.....my niece, Heather, is PREGNANT!! Yes - the one who just got married. Honeymoon Baby! I am absolutely ecstatic. I told her I was ready for her to have a baby and she hopped right to it! I love it when people listen to me. ;-) She's due in March. I am so happy that we will have another baby in the family! My kids are excited too. I can't wait for March! I have visions of tiny shoes dancing in my head. (I love tiny baby shoes.)
~ Just thought I'd clarify that my WW post about my Mother-in-law was mostly tongue in cheek. MIL doesn't really come between hubby and I nearly as much as she'd like to. The picture kind of amuses me; I had it in a frame on the bookshelf for a long time until I got sick of looking at it. My mom was taking a picture of me and John that day when MIL jumped in and got between us I should have seen it as an omen.
~ I just posted about my disappointment in Kat Von D. Now I just heard that she and Jesse James broke up. Shocker! *snort*
~ Have you watched Dance Moms? Oh my word. They make the Toddlers & Tiaras moms look tame. These chicks are hard core!
~ I haven't been around much this week, I've been really busy with work & other fun stuff, but I'm going to try to catch up a little tonight.
~ One (of many) things I learned at work this week: Don't call an 85 year old woman 'pet names'. A nurse called my client, Ms J, "sweetie", to which Ms J calmly replied, "don't call me sweetie, you asshole." I flipping LOVE her! (She was just calling it how she saw it; the nurse was kind of being an asshole.)

~ Tomorrow (Friday) night, I have a date!!! With my best friend. We're going out to dinner, then drinks & karaoke. Anytime she and I are together we have a blast. I can not wait!!
~I am loving this song, it reminds me of myself & my daughters! (and Ms J, come to think of it!)
"There ain't nothing wrong with a woman who's gotta little backbone!"
Don't forget to visit Mrs 4444 for more Friday Fraggin,
& have a great weekend!
I had an extra title this time. You could have it if you like. Just saying.
Oh and don't call me sweetie either.
Woo woo - you sing karoke? I wish I had some deaf friends that would go with me.
That Kelly can sing :)
Just do like me next time--Skip original and just call it Friday Fragments!
I truly loved your fragment about your MIL and that photo; thanks for the smile :)
Definitely going to look into the Dance Moms show--That HAS to be entertaining!
Hope you're having a wonderful time with your BFF!! Thanks for linking up!
" Asshole" .... LOL Love it when they call it how they see it.
Congrats to your niece! Babies are fun and smell so good. LOL
Enjoy your "date". Everyone deserves a break every so often.
That's awesome about your niece! And I have to say, I think I love Ms J... makes me miss the days when I worked in extended care as a volunteer. :)
Yeah, not a shocker at all about Kat Von D and Jesse James. I was so disappointed when he and Sandra Bullock split up - we used to watch Monster Garage and some other stuff he was on, and I actually liked him, and thought they were a funny couple. Oh well.
I think Ms J sounds like someone I'd like to hang out with!
New babies are always exciting. My sister's due in Sept. I'm can't wait.
I was pissed too that she got with JJ because I really liked her and he's scum but she doesn't have the greatest history in picking men and I can relate. I read her blog post yesterday and it was really heartfelt, it's sad she doesn't see passed DBs like JJ.
Great song btw
YAY for BFF dates. I need to hang out with mine more, seriously. I've been a drag lately.
Happy Friday.
Congrats to your niece! And yay for date nights with friends!
Thanks for entering my giveaway!
Don't even get me started on MILs. Sigh. I feel you!
Have fun on your date tonight :-)
your boss sounds really entertaining.
Yeah I was totally floored when I heard Jesse James and Kat VonD broke up...who could have seen THAT one coming? :) And congrats on the new baby in the family...love it!
You always pick the best songs. I got beat up pretty bad last night by a few family members. I released my book trailer and they did not like it one bit! My husband said I needed to grow a back bone:)
I LOVE baby feet and baby shoes!!
Baby shoes are THE cutest thing ever. I may or may not have a teeny pair of pink converse for our future little one. Eek.
Love all the strike throughs...they made me giggle. :)
My sister said the exact same thing about Dance Moms!!
Visiting from Mrs. Fours and I agree titling a post is the hardest part some days!
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