Today is going to be a great day!
I am meeting with a potential new client this morning. The woman who hired me for my current caregiving position referred me to a friend of hers, who needs in-home care for her mother. If all goes well, these two clients will give me all the hours I need and I'll still be home when the kids get home from school. I'm very excited!
Then I have a nail appointment (YAY, pamper ME time!), after which I'll have lunch with my hubby.
All of the kids will come home tomorrow evening. After I get them, we're picking up Elayna's friend, who will be spending the night. I'm taking the girls to an outdoor concert. It's a young female country singer who we've seen perform before.
I also have a craft planned for them to do on Saturday. If you know me, you're probably rolling on the floor laughing right now. I am totally craft-challenged! But I found one that I think I can handle. If all goes well, I'll post pictures. If not? This conversation never happened.
See this sweet little boy right here?

Okay, he's grown up a little since that picture, and they are all legally adults. But 18 months, 18 years....I still worry!
I am SO glad they are now safely home!

On a totally different topic: I swear if I hear Kat Von D say "I'm the luckiest girl in the world!" one more time I'm going to vomit. And then mail it to her.
She's marrying a man (Jesse James) who openly cheated on his last wife and treated her like garbage. On what planet does that make her lucky??
I actually used to like her, a lot. Ick.
This is a new song from Brad Paisley & Carrie Underwood, and I just love it.
Have a wonderful weekend!
And don't forget to visit Mrs 4444 and get your FRAG on!!
ooh good luck with your client.
and have fun with your craft.
Have a wonderful weekend, can't wait to hear all about it! :)
YAY for full houses. Good luck with your craft! I'm not fragging today... I think my thoughts are so scattered they wouldn't even qualify as fragments!
So much going on ! Good luck with your client, glad your baby is home safe and sound and I'm so with you on that cheating Jesse!
It sounds like you are going to have a great day and a great weekend! Have fun with all of your kids! I like Kat Von D and I wish they would keep producing LA ink.
wow, a week without kids, i don't know if i can even imagine that...
your blog is so cute!!!
i hadn't heard this song before, but i LOVE brad!!!! this song makes me think of all the couples my hubby counsels. he asks them to list the reasons they married in the first place.... reminders are good!!
I suspect the "little boy" might not appreciate it now (I didn't much back then), he is lucky to have his mom thinking about him.
It's one of those little things I miss.
all the best
Good luck on your new possible job. I hope it turns out just the way you want it to. And your crafts too! ;)
I love that picture you posted about your 18 year old son. So sweet. Cuz no matter how old they get we still see them as our babies. I tell my boys this all the time.
I like Kat VonD until she started trying to act sexy all the time. And now her and Jesse James? GA-ROSS!!!!! Just thinking about the two of them makes me want to take a shower. Lucky to get a cheating, lying, nasty guy? Ahhh... okay. Whatever. They're both dopes.
I hope you get the job.
That's cool your daughter can text you from camp. I remember way back when I did some camp counseling before cell phones, it was a rule campers could not call their parents during the week of camp.
Kat, agreed.
Craft challenged, I love that. I am too!
Good luck with the new client!
You're a braver person than I planning on craft with multiple children - craft with one child at a time is usually more than I can handle ;-)
Sounds like a great weekend ahead!
Like that song! :)
Good luck with your client!!! I hope it turned out awesome.
Awe I loved what you said about your son. So true! As a mama you never stop worrying huh!
I liked Kat Von D soooo much too but now I'm thinkin uhhhh NOT SO MUCH!
Listening to the song while I comment-So far, so sweet.
One at the hotel and one at church camp, huh? It could be worse; they could have swapped!haha I love the way you told the hotel fragment.
I really love that you are loving your job and things are falling into place for you. That's really a blessing. I'm sure your boss wouldn't recommend you if you weren't awesome--That's very cool.
I don't know who she is but why would she marry him after all that he did to Sandra! Hope your meeting went well. Boy do I need a pedicure, haven't had one since before my trip! Sounds like a nice weekend for you.
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