As a Floridian, I have been hearing about this case since Caylee first went missing.
Oh wait - since her mother reported her missing. Big difference.
Between watching the coverage myself and getting updates from my obsessed mother and husband, I believe I have heard nearly every detail of this trial.
I absolutely believe that Casey was responsible for Caylee's death. I am not sure if she intentionally murdered her, or somehow killed her in a neglectful accident, panicked, and covered it up. I don't for one moment believe the drowning story. I believe that, after her daughter's death, she acted in a way that I can't even fathom. Totally inappropriate for someone mourning the loss of their child.
I don't think she's the kind of person I would have liked, regardless of her daughter's death. She kind of repulses me. (I loved this blog post about her.)
That said, I do not blame the jury for the verdict in this case.
The prosecution has the burden of proof in a criminal trial. They HAVE to prove to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty. And they just did not have the evidence to do that.
Much of the evidence that they did present was discredited by the defense witnesses.
One thing that we, as observers, tend to forget is that the jury does not hear everything we hear. Much of the evidence is kept from them due to technicalities. They do not know what we know.
Jurors in a capital murder case have a tremendous responsibility. I do not envy them their position one bit. In order to find Casey guilty of murdering her daughter, they needed to be as certain as they could be. The prosecution could not provide that certainty.
They may very well believe, as so many of us do, that Casey murdered Caylee. But they cannot go on belief, opinion, or feelings. They have to go on hard facts and evidence. And they didn't have that.
I kept hoping the prosecution would pull a rabbit out of a hat; a "smoking gun", something that would prove that Casey murdered Caylee.
They didn't.
I think she's despicable. I think its sick that she threw her whole family under the bus to save her own ass. I hope that she pays every day that she's on Earth for what she did, and I know that she will answer to a far higher authority one day.
Just because she was found Not Guilty in a court of law, does not mean she is innocent.
The only one who was innocent in all of this was Caylee Marie Anthony.

R.I.P., Sweet Girl.
What's your opinion on the Casey Anthony trial & verdict?
Linking up with Shell for Pour Your Heart Out.
It all breaks my heart. I believe the whole family is guilty of enough to put them all in jail for a long time.
As I'm checking in on all my Bloggy Buddies, I have ABC on, and they're airing a special Nightline all about this case. It's making me sick. I agree with your view, completely.
Any time a child dies is hertbreaking, and when it is caused by a parent, it is even more so - we are our childrens' guardians and protectors.
Being in Canada, I am not overly familiar with the case, but I have heart many people on the internet express their opinion that the mother is at fault. I am sad that if the mother is guilty, she will not be dealt with appropriately, but despite the verdict, I am even more sad that nothing will bring that innocent life back.
i really appreciate you writing this cyndy because my view is very similar to yours. in my heart i feel that she is responsible for her daughters death, but i also feel there is no real proof that she did it. there is a lot of stuff that looks suspicious, but know if i were on the jury i dont kthink id feel comfortable convicting someone on my suspicions alone.
one of my friends posted on facebook the other day something to the effect of "if everyone who was spending time grumbling about and dissecting the outcome of the trial, actually went out and helped a child in danger, the world would be a much better place."
I agree, and unfortunately she walks free. But that is our justice system, as it says "Beyond a resonable doubt".
I do think her "punishment" should be steralization, so she won't ever have the opportunity to do this again!
As many others, I believe she played a hand in Caylee's death. Shame on the Florida prosecution for not proving it.
I will not knowingly support anything that financially improves Casey's worth. No magazine articles, no tv interviews, no book deals. She should not be allowed to profit for what everyone knows she did.
I essentially wrote the exact same post and linked it up with PYHO! This case definitely touched a nerve among many. Well said.
What a great post! My thoughts exactly!
VERY well written and obviously I agree with you! I just can't imagine how any of them move on from here! So sad.
I actually stayed away from the case. I heard some- b/c it was impossible not to.
But, oh, looking at that little face... it's just so heartbreaking.
I agree with what you posted. I think that if the prosecution didn't go for the death penalty and applied additional charges (due to lack of evidence) like concealing a body, or involuntary manslaughter...something, anything that would say she does not deserve to be a member of society, then the outcome would have been different.. It is quite disturbing how this all went down. I feel awful for that little girl.
I don't blame the jury either... they had to follow the letter of the law.
I wonder why Casey wasn't charged with child endangerment... she "didnt" have a clue to her own child's whereabouts and did not involve police for 31 days. She should be punished for THAT at least, IMO. Not just giving false info to the police! She was only punished for lying to the police... but she was not punished for child endangerment or negligence at least? #^*"K@)*? at least.
I completely agree. Some jurors have actually come out and said that they were sick to deliver a not guilty verdict but there wasn't enough proof.
I don't even think it was an accident. It was murder. Otherwise there would not have been duct tape wrapped so tightly around the skull. Just sick.
I know she did it. They just didn't prove it. :(
The jury got it wrong, but you're right, there just wasn't enough proof. At the end of the day, no verdict will bring Caylee back and that's the saddest part; a life ended before it even started and no one's going to pay.
Thanks for the visit, come back again. www.cynandco.com
We were on the same wave lenght yesterday, here's my post on the Anthony case.
very well-written. i just feel like everything is so unresolved and sad.
So sad. I agree with you. Regardless of our gut on the situation, I don't think the prosecution proved it beyond a reasonable doubt. It's a high standard for a reason ... I hope it has protected innocent people in the past.
I completely agree. I think you said this really well.
I do not blame the jury either! I think the prosecution had a weak case, and not enough evidence. Fortunatley, she has a judge above any jury, and only HE knows what she is guilty of. I'm thankful that our coutnry has a justice system whether I agree with the outcome or not. We just do not know enough facts...
I am with you. The sad this is that all the physical evidence was gone because of the amount of time between the murder and finding the body.
Who knows what happened. Maybe we will never know. But I don't believe that she is innocent of anything. No way no how!
Oh you know she'll pay. She'll be getting death threats till the day she dies.
And yes, I agree with everything you said. Here in Canada, we haven't really been hearing about the case, but I watch The View, and since they started talking the case, I've been riveted.
I'm with you 100% here. Across the board.
I feel 100% the same. I'm glad for our system, even though it's not perfect. She sucks, and she should be in prison, but something tells me her life won't be too sweet on the outside.
Very well said, I agree completely!
I stayed away from the media circus. It's terrible that a parent could do anything to their children... Indifference, though. I really just don't get being indifferent with regard to one's children...
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I wanted to return the favor...
This case is definitely another that has broken our nation's heart, I believe.
I totally agree with you. I think she's responsible in some manner at least, and the drowning story is bogus. I think the prosecution messed up with their internet search change (from 1 to 84 mentions of chloroform) and rebuttal closing arguments. I also think people these days expect DNA evidence much more than is actually reasonable to get it. I think the jury made the right call. Guilty as I believe she is, we can't know if it was murder for sure.
~ http://marfmom.com
Ugh. She will always be "guilty" in the eyes of the world. I think you summed it up with: The only one who was innocent in all of this was Caylee herself.
I agree with you 100%. I believe if her daughter had drowned she would have called for help. You only cover up when you are at fault. It's very sad and I believe that Caylee is much better off in Heaven then with her mother!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! This whole Casey Anthony thing makes me sick to my stomach. How could a MOTHER act this way is beyond me.
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