I'm the kind of person who tries very hard to focus on the positive. It's not always easy, but I still try. That's why my blog may seem to be mostly about the good things in my life; because that's what I choose to focus on. Sometimes there's a bunch of crap going on, but I'm not throwing it all out there because that's not how I choose to live my life. I push the negative to the back burner, and find SOME kind of happy to focus on!
But right now I have to say that there is just so much happy in my life. In fact the only real UN-happy thing going on, is the whole situation with Andrew & his BM. But I am handling that as well as I can by knowing that we're doing absolutely everything in our power to protect him.
But the happy stuff - so much happy stuff! Big things, little things, all sorts of things.

Summer is almost here, which means a more relaxed schedule, more time at the beach or the springs, less stress and homework and all that junk!

My son is graduating, and as emotional as that makes me, it also makes me very happy. I am so proud of him.

OH! I finally got a cupcake, and what a cupcake it was. Friday night we had our church Ladies' Group meeting, and the host made Boston Cream cupcakes with chocolate ganache frosting. I have no words. OK maybe a few. Amazing. Incredible. DELICIOUS!!!

When I left my job at the hospital last year, I felt very strongly that I was being led to go into the home health care field. I had wanted to do that for a long time, and felt like it was time. But over the last few months as things have fizzled out, I wondered if maybe I was wrong. Maybe this wasn't what I was supposed to do. Maybe I just needed to have this time with my family (I still think that was part of it). Was I being led in a different direction? And then, this opportunity grabbed me, and now, here I am (literally) doing my first home health care job! Everything fell into place and I am so pleased. They even encouraged me to bring my laptop and spend time on the computer while my client is sleeping! HELLO, can you say perfect job for a blogger? Sweet!
There are blackberry bushes EVERYWHERE at our place, and they're starting to get ripe. I can't wait to start making cobblers!

Lots of good things are going on, and coming up, in our lives. Sometimes it seems like things are just falling into place. Like the puzzle is coming together to make a beautiful picture. And that makes me happy!

Lots of good things are going on, and coming up, in our lives. Sometimes it seems like things are just falling into place. Like the puzzle is coming together to make a beautiful picture. And that makes me happy!

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