I've been watching too many Cupcake/Cake shows. I am CRAVING cupcakes! Nom nom nom. So today, you get a (graphically) cupcake-themed Friday Fragment post.

Today (Thursday) was my oldest son's last 'real' day of high school. Tomorrow he has a field trip, and then he's done. Forever. I know it's so cliche, but
WHERE did the time go?The other kids still have a few days left, only the seniors are done already.

My Littles went on a field trip today. They went to the YMCA pool and had a blast!
I posted this on my Facebook wall yesterday:
Cyndy Helpful Advice: Never bring a popsicle as an afterschool treat for your kids, then stick them in the pocket of your car door and forget to give them to your kids. The end result is pretty messy.

Okay, I can't stand it any more, I have to share my GREAT news! I got a new job today!! I will be taking care of an elderly woman in her home. The position was posted on Craigslist. I emailed my resume, she called the next day, I interviewed today, and was hired on the spot! They loved me and think I'll be the perfect fit. Two big things got me in the door: an excellent reference from a former employer, and the fact that in the personal area of my resume, I mentioned my love for & work with animals. This family has at least 5 dogs (I lost count) and the fact that I am totally at ease with that made them very happy. In fact as soon as I walked in and started playing with them instead of being overwhelmed by them, the (college-aged) granddaughter said "Now that's what I call a perfect match!" For right now, I'll be doing one set 12 hour shift and then filling in PRN, which is so perfect for me right now. FINALLY I will be working in my ultimate field of choice, doing something about which I am so passionate. It just feels like everything fell right into place! I am super-excited.

Have I told you lately how much I love you? I have some of the most loyal, supportive, fantabulous blog friends on the whole wide interwebz! This is how much I love you:

I can't help but post this song today, it's running through my mind all the time lately.
Don't forget to visit Mrs 4444 for more Friday Fragments!
your new job sounds perfect and im so happy for you!
It's wonderful when you find your niche and even better when the stepping stones are above the water line!
Ummm, I could have never ever taken a job that had 5 dogs. Besides the sneezing attack and possible outbreak of hives, it's just too many panting animals.
My BFF is a school teacher and their school doesn't get out until June 21! I'd much prefer the schedule your kids have, that's for sure!
Congrats! I'm thrilled for you.
My baby is finishing his freshman year. I can't believe my last one is on his way out of high school. I'm so glad that it's almost summer though. (Remind me of that in about July when I'm ready for him to go back. LOL)
oh wow, congrats!!! that is awesome. let us know how it goes...
Congrats on the new (perfect!) job!
Kids do grow up quick! "Don't Blink" is a good song! Congrats on your new job--I'm sure the family is thrilled to have you. Funny you mentioned how great you got along with the dogs but nothing about the elderly person you will be caring for. I found that amusing.
Stopping by from FF: http://zemeks.blogspot.com/2011/05/66-things-we-learned-this-week-21-of.html
Congrats on the new job. I totally love Kenny Chesney :)
Congrats on the new job, it does sound like a perfect match. Congrats to your son too. I hope you all have a wonderful summer.
Great post!! I've never seen the Friday Fragments before-- I'll have to check out some of the others. Congrats on the job!! How wonderful that you can do what you love and its a good fit!! Thanks, also, for posting the music video "Don''t Blink"-- its a great song and I'd forgotten about it. Now I will bookmark it. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Congratulations on your new job and getting your child out of school!
that's great news on the job!!! congrats - i hope you love it.
i've been craving cupcakes too.
Too funny, my first thought before reading a word was, "Gee, now I want a cupcake..."
Hope you get yours!
Great news about the job. I know you'll be great and enjoy it a lot. I hope the human is as cool as the canines.
Sorry about the popsicle :( How exciting, your new job sounds perfect. I wish you success. Love you too! Great song, I don't normally listen but since I posted Scotty yesterday I thought I should listen.
oh popsicle puddle...lol...and NOW i want a cupcake!
Congratulations on the fantastic new opportunity!!! Really, I'm thrilled for you :)
And aren't you queen of the dividers?! Nicely done, my friend :)
Congratulations on the fantastic new opportunity!!! Really, I'm thrilled for you :)
And aren't you queen of the dividers?! Nicely done, my friend :)
LOVE that song, and Kenny isn't hard on the eyes either! =)
Congrats to your son, how exciting!
And your new job? That's awesome! I can't wait to hear how it all goes!
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