Since I sometimes read blogs at work, I get a lot of people looking over my shoulder. They'll see pictures and say, "Oh, who is that?" and I explain that it's a blog.
And of course, they often say, "A
And I either explain, or blow it off, because some people just don't get it, and won't get it.
(and how rude is it to look over my shoulder and ask about what I'm looking at? Ugh!)
Last night, one of the repeat offenders did it again. She saw a picture of a baby and asked who it was, and I told her it's a blog. Her response was, "It's so CUTE that you do that! Read all about other people's lives."
Cute? I tried to explain to her that the blogger is blogging
for that purpose...for other people to read it. But...she just doesn't get it.
I think people either get it or they don't. Those who have to ask
"What is the purpose of blogging?", will never get it.
I have been a bookworm since I learned to read. And I became a writer around the same time. I was always making up stories in my head, or mentally recording what was going on around me. I wrote many stories and poems when I was younger (and wish I'd never stopped). So when I discovered blogging, it was a natural thing for me.
My blog is my place on the web. My internet home. I decorate it in a way that makes me happy. I talk about things that make me happy or interest me. I put things in my sidebar that mean something to me.
It's an outlet to talk about things that confuse me, anger me, amuse me, or just interest me.
My blog is also my soapbox. I talk about things that I want others to know about. There are so many issues that people are not aware of, such as
Premarin mares, and puppy mills. I feel like if just a few people learn about these things from my blog, make changes in their lives, and maybe tell a few others....I've made a difference. And that means the world to me.
I blog about pet rescue and pet fostering, and even had one of our
foster kittens adopted by a blog reader!
My blog is one of the places that I record our memories. I do
Weekend Wrap-Ups, write about the funny things the kids say and do, post pictures of the fun times, and the ordinary times.
And through my blog, I've made friends. Friends who have laughed with me, supported me, lifted me up, prayed for me, and commiserated with me. People who have my back.
I blog to vent, to laugh, to learn, to relate, to inform. I like to think that I have something to give, and I most definitely receive so much from blogging (both writing and reading).
The purpose of blogging is so many things for me. I put a lot of myself into it, and get so much out of it.
It's so much more than "cute".