But when I asked for guest posters and my friend, Sorta Southern Single Mom, offered to help out, I was SO excited! Because I heart her. And she rocks. And you know what else she does?
So check out her post, and then go check out her blog, because she is all kinds of awesome!

Hey Y'all! I am Sorta Southern Single Mom and I usually make my home over at Single Mom in the South , but today, I'm here to steal some of Cyndy's thunder. I've decided I might just be able to challenge her in the competition of most DysFUNctional family. *grins*
I'm just back from a trip to The Great White North were I spent a week crammed into my parents tiny little bungalow with my parents, my two children, my sister and her then fiance as we prepared for their wedding weekend! Growing up, we never had more than 4 people living in the house, so with a big wedding coming up, we thought would be good to try 7...for a whole week. Now, mind you, Daddy did pull the RV up into the side yard and Evie and Jack did sleep out there... you know, sort of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Style, so that alleviated some of the crowding, but while they did have electric, there was no sewer or water, so we were still working with 1.5 baths.
Can you say DysFUNctional?
Over at my blog, I told the story about my mom and her relationship with her Bathing Suit. It is her clothing item of choice and I now have even more proof!
We arrived late in the evening and after being in the car for 11 hours, let the kids take a bike ride. All seven of us went together with the big people walking behind the kids on their bikes. About a half mile from my parents house, I look over at my mother and realize that she had, in fact, joined us on our walk/ride in her bathing suit. Now, she was wearing a coverup, but it was obviously doing just that: covering up her bathing suit.
At least we were in her neck of the woods and not mine this time!
Fast forward to the next morning. The Girl and my mom were chatting while getting ready for the day. My mom mentions to The Girl that she has to go water the flowers around the corner at the church. Of course, The Girl, for whom I am just the vehicle that provided her with my mother, wants to go, but she is in her pajamas. My mom says (and I quote EXACTLY):
"You have to get dressed first. I usually just wear my bathing suit and put something over it."
The Girl turns to me and says, "Mamma! Where's my bathing suit?"
*Eyes bug out* Now we are trying to turn my child too! Oh NO NO NO!!!
I did get her a suit and a REAL dress to put over it and my mother did put an actual dress over hers, because, you know, you should dress up to go to church and all...
You just can't make this stuff up!
Cyndy and her crew aren't the only ones that put the FUN in DysFUNctional!
Hey Y'all! I am Sorta Southern Single Mom and I usually make my home over at Single Mom in the South , but today, I'm here to steal some of Cyndy's thunder. I've decided I might just be able to challenge her in the competition of most DysFUNctional family. *grins*
I'm just back from a trip to The Great White North were I spent a week crammed into my parents tiny little bungalow with my parents, my two children, my sister and her then fiance as we prepared for their wedding weekend! Growing up, we never had more than 4 people living in the house, so with a big wedding coming up, we thought would be good to try 7...for a whole week. Now, mind you, Daddy did pull the RV up into the side yard and Evie and Jack did sleep out there... you know, sort of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Style, so that alleviated some of the crowding, but while they did have electric, there was no sewer or water, so we were still working with 1.5 baths.
Can you say DysFUNctional?
Over at my blog, I told the story about my mom and her relationship with her Bathing Suit. It is her clothing item of choice and I now have even more proof!
We arrived late in the evening and after being in the car for 11 hours, let the kids take a bike ride. All seven of us went together with the big people walking behind the kids on their bikes. About a half mile from my parents house, I look over at my mother and realize that she had, in fact, joined us on our walk/ride in her bathing suit. Now, she was wearing a coverup, but it was obviously doing just that: covering up her bathing suit.
At least we were in her neck of the woods and not mine this time!
Fast forward to the next morning. The Girl and my mom were chatting while getting ready for the day. My mom mentions to The Girl that she has to go water the flowers around the corner at the church. Of course, The Girl, for whom I am just the vehicle that provided her with my mother, wants to go, but she is in her pajamas. My mom says (and I quote EXACTLY):
"You have to get dressed first. I usually just wear my bathing suit and put something over it."
The Girl turns to me and says, "Mamma! Where's my bathing suit?"
*Eyes bug out* Now we are trying to turn my child too! Oh NO NO NO!!!
I did get her a suit and a REAL dress to put over it and my mother did put an actual dress over hers, because, you know, you should dress up to go to church and all...
You just can't make this stuff up!
Cyndy and her crew aren't the only ones that put the FUN in DysFUNctional!
Visit Sorta Southern Single Mom for more Dysfunctional Fun!
Great post. I want to see pictures of the great white North. Also your mom and her bathing suit sound interesting.
wait...you mean bathing suits can't be worn as clothing...
Hilarious! Um, we may just have been neighbors in the Great White North. It's just like Disney ... anything GOES! On my way over to check out your blog.
Hehe... question is... do you think your Mom would have allowed her to go in her bathing suit? That's too funny!
Great post - reminds me of my family - ha
Love to you
I've Become My Mother
bwahahahahaha So glad I'm not in your shoes. There's always something with our families!
Uhm, I totally want to hang out with your mom. She sounds hysterical :)
That's hysterical! Thanks for the guest post, I enjoyed reading it.
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