2.) Who is the last person you spoke with on the phone for more than 30 minutes? Write about one thing you talked about.
I have known my best friend, Danielle, for over 23 years. So, since we were
When our kids were little and we were stay at home moms, we talked on the phone every day, often for hours. But as we both went back to work and things changed, sometimes our lives get busy and we go weeks without talking (although since Facebook took over the world, we do talk pretty frequently now).
But when I am at the end of my rope, losing my mind, needing to grasp onto something to save me...I call Danielle. Anytime something big happens in my life, good or bad, she is the one I HAVE to share it with. She is more than a friend, she is my soul sister.
So this Sunday evening, when I felt like I was nearing my breaking point, I called Danielle.
"Danielle, I'm losing my flippin' mind over here. I am so stressed. John has to go to court about Andrew's bio-mom's visitations next week. My parents unexpectedly came over today. My client's daughter just called and her condition is badly deteriorating; she isn't expected to live much longer. I'm feeling totally overwhelmed and smothered here at home. We only have one car and I feel like I do nothing but taxi people around all day. I need a break!"
Not only did she talk me down off of the ledge, but she went a big step further. Her aunt has a condo on the beach, and she is kidnapping me next week and taking me to the condo. My kids will be at their dad's house, and I am running away. Danielle is going through a lot right now too, and needs a break as much as I do.
Danielle is awesome. She never judges, she is always supportive, and always honest. And she always has my back. And I know she's always there when I need her....just a phone call away.
So on Friday, we'll go have our Karaoke night, and then, we're off. If you need me, I'll be sitting on the beach, with a drink in each my hand.
P.S. If you'd like to guest blog next week, let me know!
I'm so glad you're getting the break you need... I told Ken today (away from the kids) that I needed a bottle of wine, a bottle of rum, and a long soak in a very hot tub. Of course, I can't do any of those things for another 3 months (so soon!), so don't geel guilty about having a drink in each hand... do it for me. ;)
hmmm. The last person I talked to for more than 30 minutes was my brother, because I hadn't talked to him for more than 6 months. (He's horrible for keeping in touch).
I have a friend like this. She and our relationship is timeless. :) xx Great post. (visiting from Mama Kat's)
Friends like that are priceless. My BFF is on bedrest right now, so we are in the habit of weekly phone calls where I tell her all about what's going on in my life to keep her entertained...totally cathartic...don't know what I'm gonna do when she pops out that baby and gets busy again!
I'll guest post for you!
Enjoy your break and your time with your friend!
That is freaking awesome. A true friend.
It sounds like you really need that break. I hope some time at the beach with a best friend is just what you need to unwind.
Have fun!
Have a great trip. People who have lifelong friends are blessed.
Also, if you are really looking for a guest blogger next week I'll take a stab at it.
Now that is an awesome friend. Sorry for all the things that are going on in your life right now.
Have a great time!
Danielle sounds like such a great friend! We all need friends like that, friends who know how to listen and make us feel better by just being supportive. I hope you have a wonderful time during your getaway! It sounds like it will be a blast!
How fun! You are so lucky to have such a great friend and one with connections, too :) Enjoy! Some people are telephone talkers and some aren't -- everyone should have at least one.
Thanks for stopping by! P.S. I've always loved that Z Brown song.
thank the stars for amazing friends and good for you! I am sure you'll have a blast :)
I'm sure you're awesome and everything, but could Joann be my friend too? PLEEEEEASE?
I keep finding myself following you around... might be comments you have left on other blogs, or a link up that only had the title...Guess that meas I should start subscribing!
Friends with benefits! Not THOSE benefits... awesome. Put your mind on other things and enjoy the time. Life will go on, there MIGHT be a tomorrow and if there is you will get through that day too. I'm sure you would be there for your friend should she be in need of you. Be blessed by it.
It's so wonderful to have a friend who will rescue you. Have a great refreshing time.
A true friend is invaluable. I'm so glad that you guys get to get away for the weekend to recharge! Have a great time.
Now, THAT is a true blue friend!!!! Have a great time! But, I know you will!
How awesome to have a friend like that to call!
It's good to have someone that will listen and can help when you need it. Enjoy the beach!!
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