WOOHOO for Friday and time to FRAG!
I have gathered up some of my fragmented thoughts that have been wandering around my head all week and will now attempt to post them in a reasonably coherent manner.
I realized that they all seem to have a common theme: Simple Pleasures. Thus the title of this post: Life's Simple Pleasures.
Didn't that work out nicely?
I've always enjoyed the simple things in life, but now I'm finding even simpler things that bring me immense pleasure. Such as....
* ~ Making my own laundry soap, washing our clothes with it, and then hanging them on the clothesline to dry.

*~ Making dinners using fresh vegetables from local growers, and fresh eggs from a farm just around the corner.

* ~ Herbs already sprouting in my window garden.

* ~ My whole little family all together under one roof.

* ~ Lying down with Elayna at bedtime, having snuggle time.
* ~ Sharing "inside jokes" with Shelbie.
*~ Elayna telling me that when she was helping John take clothes off of the line, there was a ladybug on one of Shelbie's shirts.

*~ Kisses from my Sofie-dog when I lay down to sleep every morning.
~* Walking into a store and seeing my best friend standing in front of me.
*~ Friday Fragments.
*~ Sleeping on sun-dried linens.
*~ Cupcakes.

A few more fragmented thoughts:
~ * Elayna's last softball game is on Saturday, and I'm really going to miss it! Since the weather has warmed up I have really enjoyed her games and even practices. Now we'll have to find some other activity to get involved in!
~ * Last Friday, Andrew spent the night with my parents. Somehow they started talking about the fact that Andrew calls me Mama. My mom said "Well, I guess everyone else in the house called her Mama so you thought you should, too?" and Andrew, who takes everything very literally, said "Daddy doesn't call her Mama." So my Mom asked, "What does your daddy call her?" and Andrew replied "Sugarplum. Or Love." John calls me Love all the time...but he has never once called me "Sugarplum"! So we thought that was hilarious. I'm just not a "Sugarplum" kind of girl....I'm not that sweet! I have no idea where Andrew got that from!
**Go visit Mrs 4444's for more Friday Fragments!**
{and have a GREAT weekend}