(those are classic 80's fingerless gloves on Elayna's hand!)
It was a lot of fun! All of us girls are getting our nails done today. Tonight is the rehearsal dinner, and the wedding is at 2:00 pm Saturday. It's going to be beautiful! Her theme is cherry blossoms, hence the pretty dividers.....

The A/C in our car wasn't working. In Florida, that's just intolerable. Also, the passenger window was stuck in the 'up' position (thankfully) and wouldn't work. So, we had them fixed.
When we got it back, the power locks and the sideview mirror controls wouldn't work.

OhMyGosh, I nearly forgot to tell you. I had a life-changing experience this week. Ever since my weight loss surgery 3 years ago, I haven't been able to eat ice cream without getting extremely ill. Needless to say, I learned my lesson pretty quickly and chalked it up to a sacrifice to getting my health back. I only cried and mourned in private. (kidding) (sort of) But this week, I decided to try taking LactAid before eating ice cream, to see if that would help.
And then the heavens parted and I received a beautiful, miraculous blessing. I ate a bowl of ice cream and did not get even the tiniest bit sick. And later that night, I did it again.
It was amazing. I may have nearly shed tears of joy. Also, Publix Peach Cobbler Ice Cream is absolutely incredible.
For real, had I never been able to eat ice cream again, I would have accepted that. Many people have difficulty with a lot of different foods after WLS, so I considered myself lucky. But I really did miss ice cream, so this makes me a happy girl!

Last weekend, I worked my first-ever 24 hour shift.
I went to work on Saturday for my usual 8pm - 8am shift, and then when the Sunday caregiver came in to relieve me, she asked if I could work her shift. She has kidney stones and was in a lot of pain. The kids were at their dad's, we had no plans, so I said, sure. It actually went by pretty fast and I enjoyed it. I really lucked out with my first caregiving job; my client is super sweet, and at 88 year old is still totally on the ball mentally and knows exactly what medications she's supposed to take at what time, when her BP needs to be taken, etc. Which makes it really easy for me. All of us caregivers record her BP, weight, vitals, etc. daily but she keeps her own record of her BP because she worries about it. I can only hope I am that sharp at 88! She is great. There is a bed for the caregivers in the client's room, so we can sleep when she sleeps, although so far I can't sleep well while I'm there. So usually while she sleeps, I play on the internet. Tough job!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and check out Half Past Kissin' Time for more Friday Fragments!
Today's Friday Song Share is one of Heather's wedding songs!
ahhh....weddings--so much fun! Hope you have a great time :)
I'm so glad your client has someone like you watching over her.
WOOHOO on the ice cream!!! That's awesome.
Thanks for linking up!
Ohhhh enjoy the wedding!! I am a crying hot mess at weddings!
My SIL still can't eat ham after her WLS, go figure!
Soo glad you can eat some ice cream! Have some for me!!
have a fantabulous time at the wedding!
yeah for eating ice cream again!
sounds like your job is going well, more time to blog! lol
Yay ice cream! My husband makes it for a living so our freezer tends to be full of it.
I will have to try that Peach ice cream....I am not sure what i would do if I was unable to eat some nightly
Enjoy the ice cream! I really haven't found anything that I can't eat after WLS but processed sugar will sometimes mess with me a bit if I eat too much. So long as I stick to just a few bites - I'm fine. And since I don't want to gain it all back- I figure it's a win/win situation.
Enjoy the wedding!
Makes me sad that I never got a wedding... Hubby and I were just talking about that yesterday, actually. Ahh.. Maybe someday.
Sounds like life is treating you well. YAY!!!
I hope you have a fabulous time at the wedding. My hubby sang Keeper of the Stars for our wedding. :)
YAY for ice cream! :)
I didn't know you had WLS. My dh did, too. 7 years ago. Not exactly a success story.
I might go into serious depression if I could never eat ice cream again -- especially because it's what I eat when I'm seriously depressed.
Have a wonderful time at the wedding!
I hope it's a gorgeous day for your niece's wedding. Congrats to her and her groom.
Happy dance for you and ice cream! Great foodie news.
Have a wonderful time at the wedding; take lots of pictures! :)
Your job sounds perfect for you.
Have a good time at the wedding! I hope the weather there is better than it is here today ;)
I'm glad you can indulge in ice cream again!
Oh yeah for ice-cream
Can't wait to hear about the wedding and how awesome about the ice cream!
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