My husband is a Rule Follower. To a fault. He believes that rules were meant to be followed. To a "T". With little or no exceptions. He drives the speed limit and comes to a complete stop at stop signs. He doesn't jaywalk. He reads all of the directions on everything and follows them to the letter. He's always on time. If a sign says "DO NOT!", he absolutely does not.
He's frequently says "You can't DO that!"
It drives me crazy.

I am a Rule Bender. Not a Rule Breaker; I'm not an outlaw or anything. But I drive the speed limit....ish. I
often sometimes roll through stop signs. When a sign says NO TRESPASSING, I just
have to stick my toe over the line. I may read the directions, perhaps, if I've already done it my way and it didn't quite work. I'm always running late. If a sign says "DO NOT!", I kind of consider it a dare.
I frequently say "Seriously, it's NOT a big deal!"
It drives him crazy.
I'm not saying that one of us is right and one of us is wrong although clearly, I'm right.
But I am saying this....
If you always walk on the marked path, and never venture off of it, you will miss the flowers that haven't been trampled on. You won't see the baby animals that hide in the bushes where the humans don't usually tread. You never know what delights may be waiting, just off the beaten path.
Sometimes, walking the straight & narrow path sucks the fun out of life.
Some rules....are meant to be bent.

Images courtesy of Google Images.
When someone tells me I can't do something... I tend to want to do it. I'm ornery like that.
I agree, but of course, I'm a bender, too :)
clearly, you are always right...
I'm a rule bender too...
I'm a bit of a bender. I believe that the speed limit is what's posted plus 5. ; )
Hope you have a good week!
OH I'm a bender too! The followers need a little bit of poking from time to time. It keeps us all sane! :)
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner
I am like you, I do bend certain ways, and then in other ways I am like your husband...LOL I think you guys compliment eachother.
I am so with you! :)
The world needs Rule Followers...I'm just glad I'm not one of them. :)
i'm a rule bender all the way. and always think what's the worst that could happen.
Ever since I started photographing every little thing, I've become a trespasser. I park in peoples driveway and take pictures of their stuff in the yard. If a house is not occupied or for sale and it's on the water, I will walk on the property to see the ocean or the beach.
I'm a rule bender, too. I totally agree with you! :)
I totally agree with you! I'm also a rule bender and if I know I can't or shouldn't do something, I want to do it even more!
I agree. Some rules are MEANT to be bent. :)
I have to admit that I tend to follow the rules, unless I have reason to question them. If they make sense, I follow them; if they don't make sense then forget about it. I guess I am a rule questioner.
I'm more your kind of girl. I can't follow rules to save my life. I saw the greatest T-shirt this weekend. It said I'm right 97% of the time, the other 4% doesn't matter. Hilarious!
Definitely on a bender. Wait, I meant "a bender" without the On. Or not. I'll tell you after another glass of wine.
I am pretty much follow the rules.
After reading this I realized that that picture you saw on my post the other day of the flowers in Hyde Park is because I stumbled upon it when I was walking to different areas to find a Taxi! It was definitely off the normal paths.
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