I don't have any super-amazing deals to brag about, but I have been doing pretty well lately on a non-extreme scale.
So what I wanted to share with you all today is a few great tips I've learned that I never knew before I started my Not So Extreme couponing adventure. For me, these are the most valuable tips that I have found.
1. In most stores, if an item is on Buy One Get One free sale (BOGO), the store will accept a coupon for both items (the one you buy and the one you get free). For example, if Mayo is on BOGO at Publix and you have two $1 off Mayo manufacturer's coupons, they will accept both of them. So if the mayo was originally $5 per jar, you get one free, then with your two $1 off coupons you also save $2. You end up getting two jars of Mayo for $3.
2. Many stores accept one manufacturer's coupon PLUS one store coupon for EACH item. For example, in the above Mayo scenario, if you also have two store coupons for .50 cents off Mayo, you could use them in addition to the manufacturer's coupons. So you would end up paying $2 for those two jars of mayo.
3. Many stores also accept competitor's coupons. So, if in the above scenario, you don't have a Publix store coupon for Mayo but you do have one from one of their competitors, you can use that instead. Check with your store to see which competitor they accept coupons from. Publix now posts a large list inside all stores. You can find store coupons both in the stores, and on the stores' websites.
It pays to know your store's coupon policy. Some stores even double coupons on certain days, although that's very rare in my area, unfortunately. It also pays to get more than one paper, and if your friends or family don't use coupons, get them to give theirs to you.
The more time you spend, the more great deals you get. I don't spend an "EXTREME" amount of time on this, but I still find some pretty sweet deals.
And that makes me HAPPY!

P.S. My internet is broken. =( The USB thingy I use to connect to the internet broke, so I will be here & there until this weekend, which is my son's graduation weekend so I won't have a lot of time then either! Hope all is well in your world. xo
I used to be much more serious with my couponing, and did pretty well with my savings. I probably should get back into it. Every little bit helps.
great tips. i wish i was a better couponer.
I am still new but I am doing pretty well and have got a good stock pile going too :)
Love your picture! I finally broke down and bought reading glasses, too.
I found really cute one at the dollar store!
I grew up with a mom who grew up in post-war Germany. She's as frugal as they come. So "couponing" is a way of life around here. We're not crazy like those people on the TLC show, though :D
These are great tips...thanks for sharing them! The stores around here don't do double coupons but I can double up with a manufacturer's coupon and a store coupon. That's when I save the most. But that's as far as I go...I watch that Extreme Couponing show and it's just crazy. Buying stuff you don't need just because you can save money....seems like a waste of square footage in your house to have an entire room dedicated to stuff you got on sale even though you never use it.
Love the pics...you look great with glasses!
awesome tips! I am just learning to coupon, thanks for sharing!
How do you get your post fonts different than the regular fonts? I hate the ones that are offered.
BOGO? I'm hip.
I never save coupons. I hate messes more than I like saving money.
That's some great advice. I had to get some reading glasses in my
40's. I heard recently that one of the chain stores was changing their policies for coupons because of the extreme couponing show!
Its getting more rare to use a store and manufactures coupon any more at least here in AZ due to the show Extreme couponing. A lot of stores are changing their policies on coupon stacking. Our store used to accept both an ecoupon that you had loaded directly on your shoppers card and a paper coupon on the same product but they changed all that now! Stinks because that was some awesome savings! I save about 40% on my grocery bill with coupons and am reaching for 50%!
These would all be great tips, but in stupid Canada, we don't get to use coupons like you do. Sounds like you're doing great though. And that Extreme Coupon show is really making people have to strive for the ultimate deal!
Someday I would love to get into couponing... maybe when my babies are a bit bigger and I have TIME to do anything!
Does it make you wince to know that I refuse to clip any coupon for .50 or less? I figure my time is worth more than that.haha
Get your USB thingy fixed - we miss you! I can't remember to bring in the Save $5 on a $20 purchase, let alone a coupon LOL I think if I had kids I would be much more motivated to coupon more.
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