Seriously, I've always had a bit of a lucky streak. When I worked days, I always listened to the radio on the way to work, and I have won quite a few nice prizes. Off the top of my to see Kenny Chesney, tickets to a Sweet Corn Festival (much more fun than it sounds!), movie tickets, tickets to a WWE wrestling match (which I gave to a friend), Sesame Street Live tickets, and quite a few more cool prizes. And don't even get me started on all of the wonderful prizes I've won from blog giveaways!
But one of the best prizes I've ever won was the tickets to a Dixie Chicks concert back in 2000. Because not only did I score the tickets, but I also won the grand prize: backstage passes!
I was a Chicks fan from the first time I heard them. So I was determined to win those tickets, and I was thrilled when I did. But I absolutely flipped when I heard them call my name for the backstage passes! I also got a Dixie Chicks CD & T-shirt.
A girl that I worked with back then, who was also a good friend at the time, went to the concert with me. I was pregnant with Elayna at the time. We got to hang out with the DJ's from the radio station before the concert, as well as some of the Chicks' people. Then we got in a line and waited our turn to meet the Dixie Chicks. I was expecting to be able to kind of hang out, (I'd never been "backstage" before), but instead they led us through assembly-line style. We met the Chicks, shook their hands, and then posed for pictures, and chatted with them a little while they snapped the photos. Then we moved on and the next people came up.
The Dixie Chicks were sweet and beautiful, and the concert was fantastic. Natalie Maines officially announced her pregnancy that night, and she was the first Chick to have a baby.
It was a lot of fun, and one of the closest brushes with celebrity that I've ever had.
It also reminds me that I need to start listening to the radio more often!
{Front row: Dixie Chicks, back in the Fall of 2000. I'm the chubby preggo in the back. I blurred out my old friend's face because we're no longer in touch, and I don't know if she'd want to appear on my blog. The other two in the back are DJ's from the radio station.}