We adopted our newest dog, Sofia, from a rescue group earlier this year.
Now that we have learned to keep all food and garbage out of her reach (she was a bit of a counter-surfer), she is the best dog ever. Her behavior is perfect. She is sweet and obedient. And I can't figure out how she ever ended up in rescue, because the thing that almost haunts me is....sometime, somebody loved her.
I don't just mean took care of her, I mean truly loved her.
She knows the sit command, and sits for a treat without being told to. She knows "shake". She never gets on the furniture unless invited on. She knows what "car ride" means, and she LOVES them. If we ask her if she wants to go on a car ride while we're inside the house, she runs to the door, and as soon as we open the door, she runs outside, goes potty, and then runs to the car.
(she prefers the passenger seat to the backseat!)
I have no doubt that she was once a beloved pet, and I wish she could talk to me and tell me about that person who loved her, and how she got separated from that person. I wonder if they are looking for her, or missing her.
I wish I could tell that person how much we adore her, and how happy she is now. That we take good care of her, and we love her like that person did.
Because there is no doubt in my mind that she was loved.
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That is so sweet!!!! She sounds like a wonderful dog, and I can imagine that she is very missed!! But, what a blessing that she has you now, to take care of her the same way!! And how nice that she is already trained!!! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Bless you for giving her a chance. We LOVE and support our local rescue!
all i can think of is maybe her human passed away or moved where they couldnt take her... it does sound like she was well cared for and loved BIG time.. so however she came to be at the rescue, i would bet money her previous human prayed for her to go to a loving home and she sure did!!! give her hugs for me cindi loo hoo... ;)
i love her too, she is so pretty. bless her lil heart.
That is so sweet! I'm so happy the pup has found a home with you!! :)
She sounds like the kind of dog, I want. Can you clone her and send her to me? :)
She sounds like a lovely dog! One of my dogs was from a family where the owner was getting remarried. Her new husband was allergic and they had to get rid of the dog.
I'm glad your dog was and is loved!
That is so sweet ;(...I love dogs!
Have a great Wednesday!
awwww - it's too sad and too sweet for words
We had a rescue cat like that. We think she was accidentally left behind by a family camping near where we lived. She an awesome foot warmer.
Sofia is a lucky dog.
this sounds so much like our dog liz, who we got from the pound there in gainesville. shes well trained, she obeys commands, its clear someone spent a lot of time communicating with her and loving her. but yet we were told she was a 'stray.' either way, im glad i have her. :)
Awww, she sounds like a great pet :D
Awww she's so adorable!
My mom had a dog that was a counter surfer....she was good too!! haha
But I always wonder how the pound puppies end up there!
No matter what happened in the past I'm glad she has found another loving home.
So sweet. I'm glad that you and she found each other. I wish we could find such a wonderful dog.
Thank you for stopping by and reading my WW post.I am glad to hear you saved your dog from the pound, I hate the thought of the ones that don't get adopted.
It's sad to think that someone may be missing her but I am so happy that she found a loving family to live with. Dogs are the best!
Aww! That is soo sweet!! I'm glad you found her!!
This is very sweet. I'm so glad your dog has been blessed with two owners who love her.
Aww, what a sweet WW post! We've adopted from local shelters before and have always been really happy with our dogs. Sounds like she's one lucky dog to have your family as her own. :)
Thanks for stopping by and linking up. Don't forget to stop by again tomorrow to see if you guessed right for this week's mystery photo. Have a great day.
Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud
It's so wonderful that she was loved. There is such a thing as finding love twice :)
Kristin _ The Goat
Whatever her past may be Im so glad her future is in a loving home with your family!
What a sweet blog post! We adopted our cat from a shelter and I often get the same feeling. She is so mild mannered, great with kids, obedient, and just plain lovable. I just can imagine her coming from a home where she was once happy and it makes me wonder how she got where she was.
I'm glad to see sofia has a good home now!! (I found you through SITS btw)
Christina (http://www.umeorigami.com)
i feel the same way about our rescue dog. I wish I knew her past and could let her first owners know that we are taking good care of her and we love her.
How sweet! I am glad your family loves her like you do. We have a Pug, oops I typed Pig, LOL and she is over-weight and older...but I love her like no other...and sometimes it is hard with all the kids I have!
It does make you wonder!
That was the sweetest post, so glad she found you.
I can not imagine giving up a pet.... I love them so!! but I see so many go up for adoption b/c people realize they can not afford them... the vet bills become too much (boy howdy do I knwo that one!) ... sometimes they move to a new rental that won't take them... ya know? SO heart breaking! I can't imagine! I am Glad she has your family to love her forever now!! ;)
AWE you saved her! What a sweet post. Well to who ever had her, it sounds like now she is home :)
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