My kids go back to school on Monday. Today is meet the teacher day! Elayna had a fantastic teacher last year, and I really hope she gets another one just as good. Andrew's teacher last year......well, let's just say I hope he gets a great one this year! ;o)

This year, Andrew and Elayna are going into the fourth grade.
My daughter Shelbie is going to be a freshman in high school, and my son Tim will be a senior in high school. I can hardly believe it! Two kids in high school, and one about to graduate. I know it's said all the time, but...where DOES the time go??

Daily life will be changing dramatically as of today. The summer is over, so the girls will be home all the time now except for every other weekend, when they go to their dads.
Andrew will be coming home Saturday from spending the entire summer with his grandmother. (being spoiled rotten!)
Tim will be with me a little less now, though. During the school year, he is with me from Thursday - Monday, every other week, and is with his dad the rest of the time.
So, more of all of the kids except Tim. And he's so busy with work & anyway!
Did I mention he's a SENIOR? Gah!

Alright, that's all my brain will allow me to remember today.
Have a great weekend & visit Mrs 4444s for more Fraggin'.
Have a great weekend & visit Mrs 4444s for more Fraggin'.
Hope you love the teachers and that the school year is 100% great!
Enjoy your last few days of summer!!
Yum. Pumpkin Spiced Lattes.
So excited for fall here, too!
I can't believe school is about to start already. So crazy.
And I love fall too, but this year I am enjoying summer so much that I don't want fall to start just yet. :)
I just can't believe summer is over! It's rather depressing.
so sad about summer coming to an end ... and I think so cal may skip over fall with this late arrival of summer temps.
glad things will be getting back to normal :)
I am sooooo ready for fall...I need the cooler temps back!
mmmmm...fall and lattes ... that's a perfect combination!
i TOTALLY forgot about pumpkin lattes. yumm.
Hello fellow fragmenter! (I play on my Everyday Mommy blog) I totally craved pumpkin lattes when I was pregnant, now I don't ever want to see one again!
Where does the time go? My girl is only three but I can feel the time warp beginning!
Time really does fly. Less then 5 years ago I had no kids, now I have 3 with one about to start preschool. WOW!
Mmmmmm, I'm ready for yummy seasonal lattes too!!!
I can't believe it's the end of summer either!
I am so amazed by how many kids are in school already. Ours do not start until after labor day. It is always sad for me because I can get a grand kid whenever I want during the summer and during school we are restricted to weekends. I feel twice as ripped off this summer since I literally spent 42 days in 2 different trauma units. The next few weekends we will be warriors trying to do as much as we possibly can. I also cannot forget that we came very very close to losing a son; and very close to a grandson losing a foot.
I'm just going to start thinking pumpkin..and I did go Christmas shopping last week!
Have a great weekend..
Our kids don't start until after Labor Day.
I'm bumming as my daughter wants to go back to public school after homeschooling for a year!
Visiting from Friday Frags- have a great weekend!
I don't know where the time goes, either! Kids grow up too darn fast! Hope the first day goes well for all of them.
It's so interesting to me how you can manage the ever changing schedule of kids. You are super woman :) I didn't realize you lived on a such a big property - can I build a pole barn there? I need more room LOL
It was so great seeing you this summer. Glad I could be a part of your crazy schedule!
Kristin _ The Goat
fall is my very favorite season too. but this year i will miss the heat and sunshine... it went by much too fast.
I don't have any kids going to school but summer did go by quickly. Hope they all have a wonderful school year with awesome teachers. Fall is the best!
Yes, it is hard to beieve that summer is already over and school is just around the corner. I have Hayden, 17 and will be a Senior in HS and he will be 18 in December, now I am feeling OLD! LOL
I am so, so, so ready for fall. Bring it on!!!
I am So not ready for Fall yet... but I do Love Fall weather!! Hope the new teachers are blessings in your kids lives! That is what I pray for every year... a teacher who will bless my little girl! I love it when the Eggnog latte's come back every year!
I can't wait for fall!! Even if we don't get the amazing colors of fall...we do get HALLOWEEN!!! I can't wait to see how the boys do this year!
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