I'm coming in way late on the Fragging today! We've been kind of busy for the last couple of days. Now we're at my Mother-In-Law's for the weekend. They're out of town, and MIL's dog, Roxanne, is very old and takes medicine several times a day. So we're here taking care of Roxanne, who I call my dogsister-in-law. ;o)

Snail Mail friends! I'm very interested in learning how your snail mailing is going. So, I'm going to do a link up next week. I'm going to do it Wednesday, so hopefully that gives you plenty of time. I'd just like for you to do a post about how it's going, anything special or fun you've received or experienced, or whatever you feel like posting about. It's not a requirement, just something I thought would be fun.
Also, if you haven't already, please share each others' birthdays and other special occasion dates. I just realized I missed one of my Snail Mail partner's birthdays last month, and I felt so bad! It never occurred to me to ask for that. Duh!
Also, if you haven't signed up yet but would like to, just email me! It's ongoing so it's never too late, and in fact I have one person waiting for a partner right now.
One more thing - Andrew has seen Elayna exchanging mail with her partner and wants in, too. So if anyone knows a boy around 10 years old (or younger) who would like a pen pal, let me know. He loves video games & Silly Bandz, and won't take the time to write often I'm sure, so no pressure, LOL.

Speaking of Andrew....last night all of my kids were at their Dad's house, celebrating their baby sister's 2nd birthday. John was at work, so it was just me and Andrew at home. We ordered pizzas and watched movies, and Andrew said it was a GREAT night. =) I wish I had more one on one time like that with all of the kids, it's so much fun!

My eyes have been bothering me for the past few days, so I went to the clinic at work to get them checked out. Turns out I have conjunctivitis, and I can't work again until they clear me! So, I get an unexpected long weekend. Crazy!

Speaking of conjunctivitis...Andrew said to me last night, "Mama, Daddy said you have conjitis."
I said, "Actually, it's called conJUNCTIVitis."
And he said...."DRUNKtivitis??"
That sounds like a good name for a bad hangover!

I've found the perfect peanut butter cookie recipe! But you'll have to go over to my food blog, Southern Loving, to see it.

Alright, time to wrap up this very late version of Friday Fragments! Hope you all have a great weekend, and don't forget to visit Mrs 4444's for more Fragging Fun!