
My Random Tuesday Thoughts

* My son got his driver's license last week. Yesterday, he started his first job. Here's what I feel like these days.

* I FINALLY got a new digital camera! I am so excited it's ridiculous. Expect some halfway decent pictures to appear in this spot!

* My mini-van is broken. Irreparably broken. RIP, mini-van. I shall now buy your replacement!

Nice, no?

And now for some random LOLs that made me LOL this week.

Peace out, friends, and for more Random Thoughts, visit The Unmom.


Anonymous said...

Too funny!!

Hattie said...

Thanx for the laughs!!!!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the new camera, i know youve been wanting one for a while. :)

April said...

Your son got his driver's license...now the real fun begins! :)

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

What i want to know is where you found that picture of me? ♥

Liz Mays said...

Are you going to replace it with another minivan? You know, I've never driven one of those because I had to drive a station wagon as a teen and a van is just a little too painfully close to that for my liking. An SUV is the closest I'll ever get. ;)

SweetPeaSurry said...

heh ... LOVED the funnies.

Anonymous said...

Have poppa get ya a BMW!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

You're not old. I am. My oldest turns 20 next week!!

Good lord. How is that possible?? Oh yeah....I had him when I was 19!!

Hallie :)

GypsiAdventure said...

hahaha - too cute the snail and the turtle.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

So are you warning us to be careful on the road?! :)

Love the photo of the cat and mice!

Kim said...

That first picture made me laugh out loud..

And congrats to the boy..that is HUGE.. (I am so not ready for that!)

Mrsbear said...

RIP minivan...and also your sanity, with the licensed driver son and all. I'm dreading that moment, only a year and a half away from my oldest. Ugh.

Can't wait to see the sharp new camera pics.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new digi cam, and BOO on your van breaking down! I'm so HAPPY for your son! Congrats on getting his DL!

That pic of the old lady cracked me up! You aren't old, girlie!


Night Owl Mama said...

LOL funny pics' stoppin in from SITS to say HI

Marina@EBMR said...

had to stifle my laughter...its only 3 am here...such cute pics!!!

Come bunny hop over to http://energizerbunnysmommyreports.blogspot.com/ and enter 4 great giveaways (atleast I think they're great! ;>)


MJ (Hoppin' over from SITS)