Wordful: Life has kicked my butt lately! We've been very busy, and on top of that I got sick. I was ticked - I did not have time to be sick! So I ignored it and kept going until Monday afternoon, at which time I practically collapsed, and spent most of the next 48 hours in bed.
It showed me who was boss. It won - this time.
On top of that, life is crazy and I have less and less time on the computer, which makes me sad. I am so behind on reading all of your wonderful blogs. Posting and blog reading on my Blackberry is just not as easy as I'd hoped it would be. I can Twitter! Which is awesome and I can and do Twitter all day long. But my blog time is few and far between. :sigh: It's not you, it's me!
I have so much I want to say here but in an effort to keep this manageable, I'll just get on with utter cuteness.
These are our foster kittens. We picked them up on Saturday, 5 two-month old balls of fluffy, naughty cuteness. They are also incredibly messy and demanding and take up a lot of time! The kids are having SO much fun with them.
It is darned near impossible to get 5 frisky kittens in one photo! But here are four...

woah, I have it all to myself!
I didn't do it!
Total, insane bravery. This crazy ass kitten climbed the closet doors and was at ceiling level! But then I had to help him down.

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