or her:

Clearly there's a connection here. It's obvious that I have a "type". Brunettes, for one. I am a brunette and I think dark hair is beautiful.
But there's something about Latino women!
Sofia Vergara plays Gloria on Modern Family, one of my favorite shows, and her accent is to DIE for! Instead of "yes" she says "jes", instead of "you" she says "jou". It's awesome. I love her and want to be her!
Okay, not really, but if I had to trade bodies....it would be one of these two women hands.down.
And now I'm off to work on a dark tan and a fake accent.....
ETA: I wrote this post last week, and then on Sunday I was reading the Parade Magazine and was thrilled to see a feature article on Sofia Vergara! Now I know that not only is she beautiful, but she has a wonderful attitude. She's been through hard times, including the murder of her brother and a personal battle with thyroid cancer. But still she says, "It's a beautiful world." The article quotes her as saying “I’ve been through it all, so I don’t take life’s little dramas too seriously. I say, don’t sweat the small stuff, because there’s bigger stuff that can really make you sweat.” Now I not only admire her beauty, but her attitude as well!
But there's something about Latino women!
Sofia Vergara plays Gloria on Modern Family, one of my favorite shows, and her accent is to DIE for! Instead of "yes" she says "jes", instead of "you" she says "jou". It's awesome. I love her and want to be her!
Okay, not really, but if I had to trade bodies....it would be one of these two women hands.down.
And now I'm off to work on a dark tan and a fake accent.....
ETA: I wrote this post last week, and then on Sunday I was reading the Parade Magazine and was thrilled to see a feature article on Sofia Vergara! Now I know that not only is she beautiful, but she has a wonderful attitude. She's been through hard times, including the murder of her brother and a personal battle with thyroid cancer. But still she says, "It's a beautiful world." The article quotes her as saying “I’ve been through it all, so I don’t take life’s little dramas too seriously. I say, don’t sweat the small stuff, because there’s bigger stuff that can really make you sweat.” Now I not only admire her beauty, but her attitude as well!
So tell me about you...if you could trade bodies (and maybe accents?) with anyone out there......who would it be?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be Tina Turner. I think that STILL is the case! SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did...
Behavior Modification-Big-Time
My partner always says that I will probably look like Kim Marsh (UK pop star/actress). I wouldnt mind that as I think she is HOT.
Ideally I would love the whole film star appearance but at the moment I am actually starting starting to love my look. :-)
Dark hair is awesome. I am 1000% pro-brunette/ black.
Hmm...trade bodies with anyone huh? I'm going to go with the obvious Jessica Alba. Curvy and toned, that's my dream :)
My hubs and I just had this conversation! I told him I would love to have Beyonce's body, because she is not rail thin, and it looks so incredible on her...I think I really just want her legs, and butt!
Id trade bodies with just about anyone!!!
They both have great lips!
I would trade bodies with Heidi Klum. I wish my tummy looked like her's after having kiddos!!
I'm partial to dark hair too. I would go with Catherine Zeta-Jones. Or who was the actress in the Titantic movie? Lol.
Catherine is BEAUTIFUL and classy. I have always loved her. I will have to agree with you that there is something stunning about dark hair...I am a blonde and dark auburn/red hair with light eyes is just amazing to me.
Happy Wednesday!!
Catherine certainly rocks the casbah - haha
if i could, i would like to be taylor swift or beyonce.... either one, or maybe both at the same time!!!! hahaha or half of me one and the other half of me, the other! yeah, man!!!
they are smart, beautiful, young, and nice.
I'm too old to become them but they are so pretty. I guess that's why I am here at home typing on my computer and they are on TV/Movies!
Since my husband is in love with Reba McIntyre, I'll pick her. She looks great for her age!
And I'd take that singing voice of hers anyday.
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