That's just one example of the randomness which goes through my head. Thankfully, I have Friday Fragments to dump it all out and start over each Friday!
* Help me out on my NaBloPoMo journey, mmkay? Ask me some questions. In comments or email. Ask me anything!

* Speaking of helping a sistah out: I need your help over at Southern Loving. I'm trying to introduce more foods from different countries to my kids, so I need your help, recipes, suggestions, whatever you have to offer!

* Saturday nights are my favorite night of the week. On our "kid weekends", I have every single member of my family under one roof. Love that feeling. On our "no-kid weekends", I have John to myself for an entire night. With our evening/night shift schedules, that's the only night we both have off and get to be together the entire time! Priceless.

* Although I do have an extra night with John next weekend; a (single) co-worker volunteered to work for me on the night of Valentine's Day so I can spend it with my sweetheart.

* Speaking of which, we just made some fun, romantic-al plans for Valentine's Day. *awwww* I can't wait!

* Speaking of PLANS....last year for John's birthday, we went to see Jeff Dunham. (it was a blast!) This year we just found out that Ron White will be here the month after John's birthday! So we'll be going to see him. Can you tell we kind of LOVE comedy?

* And STILL speaking of plans....we have a super-FUN weekend planned! Hopefully the weather cooperates with the outdoor part of it. On Saturday, we're doing something with just the Littles, and Sunday, something with the whole fam-damily. Good times! I'll post all about it in my Weekend WrapUp!

Alrighty then. Those are the Fragments of my brain, on display to the whole world.

* Speaking of helping a sistah out: I need your help over at Southern Loving. I'm trying to introduce more foods from different countries to my kids, so I need your help, recipes, suggestions, whatever you have to offer!

* Saturday nights are my favorite night of the week. On our "kid weekends", I have every single member of my family under one roof. Love that feeling. On our "no-kid weekends", I have John to myself for an entire night. With our evening/night shift schedules, that's the only night we both have off and get to be together the entire time! Priceless.

* Although I do have an extra night with John next weekend; a (single) co-worker volunteered to work for me on the night of Valentine's Day so I can spend it with my sweetheart.

* Speaking of which, we just made some fun, romantic-al plans for Valentine's Day. *awwww* I can't wait!

* Speaking of PLANS....last year for John's birthday, we went to see Jeff Dunham. (it was a blast!) This year we just found out that Ron White will be here the month after John's birthday! So we'll be going to see him. Can you tell we kind of LOVE comedy?

* And STILL speaking of plans....we have a super-FUN weekend planned! Hopefully the weather cooperates with the outdoor part of it. On Saturday, we're doing something with just the Littles, and Sunday, something with the whole fam-damily. Good times! I'll post all about it in my Weekend WrapUp!

Alrighty then. Those are the Fragments of my brain, on display to the whole world.

Hope y'all have a fantastic weekend!
I have made zero Valentines plans! Ugh!
We don't do Valentine's Day because our anniversary is on Feb 1st, we went out for dinner to celebrate last night because Adam had a pottery class to go to at 7:30pm on the 1st.
Enjoy your weekend :-)
I can't remember the last time the hubby and I went out for Valentine's Day. Someone is always sick around here on VDay. Ah well. ;)
Hope you have a fabulous weekend! Enjoy!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend this and next!!
Sounds like lots of fun coming up for you!
We got to see Ron White last week! Probably the same tour. He was really funny! His opening act (Tom Sawyer?) was good too. Enjoy it!
Oh, Oh..... We just LOVE Jeff Dunham! Especially Peanut... And Ron Whit (Tater Salad) is also a big favorite. I can see our sense of what is humorous is very close :)
What a sweet and thoughtful co-worker! I love people like that.
Stopping in from FF.
I love both comedians. They are very worth seeing. Help a lost blogger, what does the "PO" stand for in NaBloPoMo?
You have lovely Valentine's Day plans, and how nice of your co-worker to help out like that.
Ron White is hilarious! Enjoy the show!.
We don't celebrate Valentine's Day. That way I have nothing to be disappointed about.
Have a great weekend!
I'm glad you get to spend extra time with your Sweetie!
How have you adapted to your odd hours and how long have you been working these hours?
Hospitals smell weird?
Only thing I don't like about hospitals is the unlike home!
I so wish I was better at science so I could have been a nurse!
Can't wait to see what all the plans are for Vday
Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?
I hope the weather cooperated for you last weekend.
My question: What is the grossest thing that's ever happened at work? What is the scariest thing that's ever happened at work? (These could be two wholes posts for you!!)
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