Friday Fragments is courtesy of Mrs 4444 of Half Past Kissin' Time. She is on a break due to a personal tragedy and could use your support at this time.
Speaking of which, my next fragment is also about a tragedy. My dear bloggy friend, Kathleen a.k.a. Beany from sogratefultobemormon, is missing. She never made it to work on Monday morning, and has not been seen since. Your support, thoughts, prayers, glows, whatever it is you do, are desperately needed in this situation.
Beany, we love you and hope you are safe and well.
On a happier note, I got Boo'd! Not BOOED, like people yelling at me, but Boo'd, like someone likes me.
Here's the scoop. It's a really cute concept that many people do in real life. You leave a little treat on someone's doorstep, and then ask them to pass on the fun.
In the bloggy world, the treat is this adorable picture!
The rules of this are:
Go to as many friends as you want and tell them they've been "BOO'd."
Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween Treat (picture) and tell them to Boo their friends.
Then put the picture in your side bar so everyone knows that you've already been "BOO'd" and to send the picture to someone else.
And, I got a treat, not a trick. I won the Moose Munch from Candid Carrie and Harry & David!
I'd never even heard of it before, but OMG, that stuff is GOOD. They totally hooked us up, with beautiful packaging and at least 10 different flavors of Moose Munch. We are HOOKED! Thanks, Carrie! It's always nice to get fun treats.
Speaking of witch (did you catch that? ha ha I'm so clever!), today is Halloween! My favorite holiday of them all. The kids will be with their dad (and Spiderman will be with his grandmother), so J and I are dressing up two of our dogs. One will be a devil, and one will be an angel! I will definitely be posting pictures. We are planning on walking them down Main Street in our little town, where they have trick-or-treating and other fun activities, and then passing out candy with them at home.
I hope you all have a safe and fun-tastic Halloween!
Here are a few Halloween pictures for your viewing pleasure.