When 2011 began, I definitely had no idea it would end this way. Had you told me last New Year's Day how the year would end, I would not have believed it.
But here I am. Here we are. Feeling strong, confident, and most of all, happy. My kids are happy and that makes me happy.
My in-laws are happy, they got exactly what they've been wanting. And that makes me want to egg their house.
Just kidding.
(Sort of.)
It was a big year in many ways. My baby girl turned 10. My son graduated from high school. And my middle daughter turned 16. I am so proud of my kids.
I got my job which I love and plan to do forever.
My parents celebrated their 50th Anniversary. My niece got married and pregnant.
I'm excited about 2012. I'm finding my happiness and taking care of ME. There are some things I know 2012 will bring; my divorce, my niece's baby girl, my baby girl graduating 5th Grade.....and of course, the year will be full of surprises.
I'll be celebrating the New Year with old friends and new friends. It's going to be interesting, just like the new year. I can't wait to see what both of them bring!
I hope your New Year is full of wonderful things.