....the language, but I just could not resist.

Life is a curious mixture of awesome, meh, and craptastic lately.
I think I mentioned that I took a job with a Home Health Agency. I am getting certified for everything under the sun; I'll be able to perform surgery by the time I'm done! OK maybe not quite, but I'll give you a discount if you let me try.....
Anyway, it's really awesome that I'm getting all of this certification & training in my field. On Monday I'm scheduled to complete the last certification & evaluation and then I'll start seeing clients.
I absolutely love the owners; you know when your new boss quotes comedian Ron White, you're gonna love your job. "You can't fix stupid." Enough.Said.
Anyway, it's really awesome that I'm getting all of this certification & training in my field. On Monday I'm scheduled to complete the last certification & evaluation and then I'll start seeing clients.
I absolutely love the owners; you know when your new boss quotes comedian Ron White, you're gonna love your job. "You can't fix stupid." Enough.Said.
I have had some wonderful quality time with friends both old and new, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. And I have more friend-dates lined up in the near future, which is even better!
Last Friday night I went to Shelbie's high school's homecoming game; I was only planning on dropping her off, but her cousins were there. These are her cousins on her father's side and I don't get to see them often, but I was there when these kids were born and we were very close when they were little. The oldest is now in the Marines, and he's deploying to Afghanistan next month. So, they talked me in to coming into the game and I ended up staying the whole time and hanging out with them and having a blast. And Mr Marine is coming over to our house tonight for a cookout, too. I love that kid to pieces!
I still consider them my niece & nephew; they still call me Aunt Cyndy. The thing with divorce is you don't necessarily want to divorce the whole family! These kids & I will always be close, and anyone who doesn't like it, well....they know what they can do.
Elayna was sworn in on Wednesday as a Safety Patrol. This is a high honor for 5th graders, and all of my (bio) children have been patrols, and I was too way back in the dark ages. At the end of the year, they take a field trip to Washington DC. She is super proud of herself, and I am so excited for her!

It's soccer season and I'm always running Tim to work or Shelbie to some friend's house, on top of everything else. Free time and sleep are things that I vaguely remember, but don't have a lot of recent experience with. Which is why my blogging is so half-assed, a day late, and a dollar short lately. It will get better. Or, it won't, and ya know what? I'm okay with that, too.