Friday already?! This week has flown by!
But I'm not complaining.

If you visited on Sunday, you saw that Elayna injured her thumb this weekend. She went to the orthopaedic doctor on Tuesday and they said that it was a minor break. They put her in a soft splint, and she goes back next Thursday for a recheck.
It was broken while she was practicing soccer. She decided she wants to try soccer this season, which is great because she and Andrew will be on the same team. We were at the park practicing, just me, John & the kids, when she hurt her thumb - the season hasn't even started yet! But the good news is, she will still be able to play. I'm excited! I think it will be fun - and less hectic! - to have both of them in the same sport, on the same team.
On a sad note: Yesterday, our old dachshund girl, Suzie, passed away. You may remember me posting about her in January. It was sad, but at the same time a relief. Her health was failing and we were struggling with whether or not to have her put to sleep; she didn't seem miserable but she wasn't 'right', either. Thankfully, the decision was taken out of our hands as she passed peacefully in her sleep during the night. It's just going to be so hard to get used to not having her around.
On a happier note: It looks like I will be going to work soon! A friend of ours from church is expanding his business and wants me to handle the new portion of the business. So far it sounds like it's perfect for me right now. I'm excited about that, too.
Last night we got to see the Harlem Globetrotters. I won four tickets from a local TV station. We had a blast! I'll share pictures later. I love winning stuff like that!
We had my FAVE, Chipotle, for dinner afterwards. I LOVE me some Chipotle!

I have gotten some of the most wonderful, heartfelt, supportive comments this week, and I want to thank you all. Most of you I thanked in email, but some of you don't have your email enabled, and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate each and every one of you!

That's all from here! We're looking forward to a relaxing weekend with gorgeous weather. I wish you the same! Join in the Fragging Fun at Mrs 4444's place.
P.S. I added Twitter & Facebook share buttons - feel free to use them! ;-)
I'm sorry to hear about Suzie. We had the same issue with our cat a few years ago. Like you, the decision was taken out of our hands in the same way. It helps ease the grief a little, I think.
hooray for winning stuff!
and I told you how sorry I was about Suzie...I hope your kids are handling it well
Sorry about Suzie...Hope its getting better. Yeah for the new job and winning tickets! Can't wait to see pics.
So sorry for your loss... and glad that you've had some great things happen this week - congratulations on the job and the freebie win! Hope your daughter's thumb feels better soon!
Wow, you got to watch the Globetrotters! What a treat that must have been for the kids. :)
So sorry to hear about your dachshund, but otherwise happy for your happy little things. :)
So sorry that you lost your pup :(
It's amazing how deep those creatures work into your soul.
So sorry about the puppy.
Congrats on the job! And I'm glad that the injury to the thumb wasn't anything serious.
i am so sorry you lost your puppy, but am so glad you didn't have to make that decision yourself! that is the super hard part!
i hope your daughter's thumb heals well, but at least she is trying something new and that you get to be a tad bit less busy running folks to the same place each week ;-)
yay for a job, i truly hope you enjoy it!! can't wait to hear about your new place and that you got settled in well!!
I am so glad the decision was taken out of your hands with your dog. So sad though.
I have not seen the Globe Trotters in years. The kids must have had a blast.
Congrats on the new job...sounds like divine intervention to me!
Have a great weekend.
I'm so sorry about Suzie... the news brought a tear. I remember when she joined your family.
Congrats on the new job! That is wonderful news.
Ouch, Elayna!
So sorry to hear about Suzie. :-((. I know that is a hard thing to go through.
I am so very sorry to hear about Suzie passing away. It's very hard to lose a furry friend when they've become such an important part of your family. I still get teary-eyed thinking about having to put our 14 year old Shih Tzu, Gizmo, down several years ago. He was my buddy. Congrats on your new job! Wishing you all the success in the world!
I'm sorry about Suzie. There is some comfort that it was peaceful. Glad to hear soccer is still a go.
Lots of stuff going on. So sorry to hear about Suzie. Also, poor Elayna. It's amazing how much an injured finger can affect daily activities. Especially, an opposable thumb.
I'm sorry about your dog. That's tough. I lost my beloved dog last May and she too thankfully went on her own. I've always thought the best way to die would be peacefully in your sleep.
And on that happy note...have a great weekend!
Sorry to hear about Suzie!! Congrats on the HG tickets and an even bigger congrats on the new job. Nice!
I have always wanted to see the Globetrotters since I was young. Let me tell ya sister...that was a long time ago!
I pray that Elayna's thumb heals quickly and completely.
I'm so sorry to hear about your pet, they do become family.
God bless and have a fantastic weekend!!!
Giveaway over at my place! :o)
I'm really glad Susie passed peacefully, in her sleep. I know you'll miss her.
Glad to know the thumb thing wasn't too serious.
Congratulations on the job opportunity! I am very happy for you :)
I am terribly sorry to hear about Suzie as well as your daughter's broken thumb. I'm glad you had some bright spots though. Congratulations on the job!
I had kitty sisters for 7 years and one passed away a few years ago. Even having one kitty left, I kept looking for the other or swear that she meowed somewhere. It does take awhile to get used to the absence but you folks were such great doggie parents that it might take even longer. Hugs.
Hope your daughter's finger heals quickly!
I'm so sorry about your dog! We had to put our favorite cat to sleep two years ago, and I think one of the hardest things for me was knowing our son wouldn't really remember him because he was only 2 1/2 at the time.
That is great about your new job! I hope that it works out!
Sorry to hear about your precious pupper! But also glad the decision was taken out of your hands! And congrats on the new job!! That's great!
Glad Elayna is doing well. I bet she is thinking the split is pretty cool to show off.
I am so sorry for your loss, but I am very glad that you didn;t have to make that decision & she was able to pass in her sleep.
AWESOME about the Globe Trotters, how cool is that!!! Winning free stuff is great!
So sorry to hear about your sweet doggy.
So sorry about Suzie ((HUGS))
Good luck with the job, that sounds wonderful.
The Globetrotters are always fun!
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