When Andrew played soccer in the fall, he had a very good season. His coach was awesome, and the parents on our team were great too. We saw some behavior on the other teams that was not so admirable, but nothing really remarkable until the last game of the season.
It was the championship game; the winning team would be the division champions for Andrew's age group (9 yr olds - 11 yr olds) for our very small town. Clearly, this was serious business. Scholarships, money, and careers were riding on this game.
But you wouldn't know it from the way some people were acting. Most notably, two of the coaches on the opposing team. That's right; two grown men coaching the same team were arguing. For some reason, there was friction from the very beginning. I never caught the whole story. But at some point, the two coaches began giving opposite instructions to a child. Tensions were getting high at this time; the game was nearly over and it was tied.
And then, one of the arguing coaches began yelling at the other coach's wife.
And I said to John, "Oh, it's on."
And it was on. Like donkey kong.
The two coaches got in each others' faces and began screaming. Meanwhile, the kids were still playing soccer, and their team even scored a goal in the middle of all this.
I thought it shouldn't count because clearly our kids were distracted by their moronic coaches, but nobody cared what I thought.
Anyway, the best part of all of this was the comment from the mother of one of our players. They are relatively new to this country and I'm not sure where they are originally from, but she was quite shocked by the fight and said in a very thick accent that sounded possibly German,
"Vat is this REDNECKISH behavyah??"
And I died.
Anyway, the coach who started the argument and yelled at the other guy's wife was ejected from the game, kicked out of the complex, and permanently banned from coaching for our rec league. The other coach was just ejected from the game.
It was a great example of what NOT to do, and how NOT to act around impressionable children. We talked about it at length to our kids on the way home.
Their team won, but our team, kids, parents & coaches were the real winners. Because we maintained our character....and that's what it should be all about.
Soccer season starts again soon, probably bringing with it more lessons in character, both good and bad.
And John and I still walk around saying "Vat is this REDNECKISH behavyah??" all.the.time.

Is the word Redneck put in the "Welcome to the USA" pamphlet or something LOL
I really hate ugly behavior by coaches - so glad that the most offensive one was booted.
Sometimes parents in youth sports are just enough to make you go UGH!
When I was on the board for a major baseball association, I was doing my rounds and walking the different fields (we had 12 fields for the different ages) and stopped a bit at a coach pitch (7 and 8 year olds) game. The umpire working was a 14 year old kid. He made a call that one of the teams didn't like. There were 4 adults that cornered this 14 year old kid up against a fence and were standing in his face - screaming at him. I became very very unpopular when I stepped in and started bring coaches and parents up in front of the board under the conduct review committee. However, that young man remembered me for years and never failed to thank me every time we crossed in later years.
That is some redneckish.... LOL
This is so horrible and funny at the same time. :P I hope the other kids reallize it's the behavior that is most important and not who wins. i.e. never be a sore loser OR winner! :P
Your little man is such a cutie!!
oh my gosh, that is amazing! I could see the two coaches yelling, lol! I laughed so much that my hubby asked what I was laughing at.
On another note, I as well hate when coaches lose control. When I was reffing soccer, I had a coach pretty much storm me on the field. In my first week ...
I hope next season is better!
Wow... that's all I can say. What a way to ruins sports for kids. No wonder some of the kids who play team sports are so overly competative, when there are idiot adults like that coaching. Glad to hear that there as disciplinary action taken against those fools, but sorry that the other parents had to see that kind of behaviour (you did make me laugh, though!).
I am cracking up, I am so going to remember that saying now!
And I agree, your team is the real winners!
We had a similar situation in Boo's baseball championship game. They are ages 7-9. You would have thought it was the World Series. I would never say a word at the game around the children but the next day I called that other coach at a little store he owns and I thanked him for teaching my son a valuable lesson in how not to act.
Being that I'm originally from Arkansas and now reside in GA., I can bet that lady hasn't seen the kinds of "Redneckish behavyah" that I have! :) I don't think I will EVER understand what gets into parents and coaches when they lose it at kids sporting events. I've seen it happen many times myself.
oh those fun loving adults living vicariously through their youngins ... what would youth sports be without them?
sane-er, but definitely less interesting - lol!
That is crazy! I am about to start my son in T-Ball this spring/summer and I hope I don't run into any of those crazies! Thanks so much for entering the giveaway for my etsy shop Rosie Posie Designs on April's blog!!!
Classic case of forgetting what it's all about.
What is wrong with some people geesh! I love that saying... I'm gonna use it too! :)
ugh, i hate how seriously some people take youth sports.
Drives me crazy!!! You know that at my son's baseball fields they have signs on the fencing saying... "Calm down, do you know this is a child's game?" and things along that nature... it's hilarious!
You bring a wife into a fight and you are right, it is ON! Good grief. Some grown ups need to grow up!
Wow, that must have something to see. I can't believe they acted that way and I'm glad they were ejected! Certainly not the example you want your children to see.
I'm totally using the Russian saying
Cracking up t that comment!!
But seriously. What were those coaches thinking?so glad you guys had a good one.
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