In case you didn't know, Mrs 4444's from Half Past Kissin Time hosts Saturday Samplings every Saturday.
She links up favorite posts that she's come across over the past week, and invites others to do the same. You can post one of your own favorites, and/or great posts that you've seen around the blogosphere. They can be funny, sad, touching, entertaining....just plain good reads.
I often come across really great blogs during my strolls around the blogosphere. Excellent posts, and sometimes they are from blogs that are new or have a small following. I write myself a note, and then on Saturday, link those posts up so that they get some well-deserved extra attention.
I really love this feature of Mrs 4444's, and I hope you will go check it out! I've linked up four posts this week, including one of my own.
That's pretty neat. I'm gonna go check it out
Hi...from the other Cyndy. Trying to get my blooging mojo on! Jumped FB for awhile. Making me stressed out?
I like this idea... going to check it out!
You're so sweet! Thanks. Off to read your links!
I didn't knwo until just THIS MINUTE that we could link up other people's blogs to Saturday Smaplings! I thought it had to just be our own. Now I'm feeling rather self-centered. I will absolutely be linking some of the great things I read from now on. Thanks for explaining this so well for me!
I will have to check that out and I always have loved bringing attention to those who are new or with few followers. What a sweet idea.
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