We met with & hired an attorney this week regarding the situation with Andrew's" egg donor". He is totally confident that this will go in our favor (that is, Andrew's favor). He is the attorney who represented John when they established custody previously, so he knows the history. We are prepared to fight this every step of the way using every legal tactic possible, because we so strongly feel that her presence in Andrew's life would be extremely detrimental to him (as does his psychiatrist). We feel much better now that we have the attorney fighting for us!
I have not been feeling well this week and posted on Facebook last night: "Mama needs chocolate!"
When John came home from work, he handed me two Hershey bars. I heart him.
If you missed yesterday's post, Our Story of Loss (why we walk for March for Babies), please check it out. If you are able to give a little to help the babies, we greatly appreciate it! Every little bit helps. And those of you who already donated - I love you! Thank you so much.

Elayna heard this song on the radio the other night and cracked up! I love Brad Paisley. He has an awesome sense of humor.
and don't forget to visit Mrs 4444's for more Friday Fragments.
yay for awesome hubbies who do the little things that mean so much!!
i will add your family to my prayers. we have had issues with our "egg donor" i don't blog about it because our daughter reads our blog (she is 15). but yeah, just cuz they are the "mama" doesn't mean the kids are better off with them.
Love Brad Paisley. He has such a great talent, and he's so cute!
Thinking good thoughts and prayers for smooth law proceedings.
that's so super awesome of the hubs. and good for you for getting a great attorney.
Awww, it's like John came home and handed you two bars of love.
So glad your all set with the attorney. Love that John brought you chocolates, that is so sweet.
Fun song! Have a nice weekend.
I'll keep you guys in our prayer's that all will work out with y'all's situation.
I love when my hubs does stuff like that! The other day I mentioned that I really needed my hair cut but didn't have time. Yeah. He hi-jacked my phone and called and made me an appt to get my hair cut and a pedicure!
Man, those candy bars were a nice touch!
I have to remember that move.
Yay for husbands bearing chocolate.
Good luck with your custody case. I hope you prevail and Andrew is safe and secure where he belongs, with you and his dad.
Chocolate is very good.. Now that I am on a Low carb diet - chocolate is a no no... for me.. bummer..
Love to you
I've Become My Mother
Egg donor! ha! That's why I'm here! Great minds and all of that. I refer to my ex as the sperm donor.
Good luck though. Court is so stressful.
You two are a match made in heaven; I'm happy for you both :)
Good luck with the court stuff.
Love the hershey separators!
Good job, hubby (whom I first called "jubby")...but it's better than "chubby," right? :)
Yay for chocolate & a bigger YAY for hubbies who know when to deliver it! :)
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