
Random Dysfunctional Funnies


Some random funnies that came out of the Casa de Dysfunction this past week~~

Andrew: "Mama, it's just like Daddy always says. Everything you cook is THE BEST."
He had just eaten a Hot Pocket.

Elayna: "Mama, can cops speed any time they want, or only if they're going to an emergency?"
Me: "They're supposed to drive the speed limit unless they're heading to a call."
Elayna: "And they can't just say they're going to a call if they're really just heading to get some donuts, right ?"
I have no idea where she got THAT from. *whistling innocently*

I was picking Shelbie up from Youth Group and I brought her new little dog, Ace, with me. My friend who gave the dog to her was also picking up her daughter, and when Shelbie saw her she said: "Ms. Michele! Mama has ACE!!!" And Ms. Michele said "WHAT?!?" because she thought that Shelbie had just happily exclaimed "Ms. Michele, Mama has AIDS!!!"

From Me: We were at checking out at Publix the other day and Andrew randomly said "Oh look, they have a chair!" And I said to the cashier, "Um, we don't get out much." Cracked her up.

From John: The other day I was telling John that I wanted a makeover. I said, "I just don't feel attractive." John said, "Come over here and let ME feel."

Visit The UnMom for more Random Tuesday Thoughts!


Evonne said...

I love this! About the cop comment - why do kids always hear what you don't want them to hear!?

diane rene said...

John sounds like Steve - lol!

♥ it

Amy said...


Anonymous said...

Those are GREAT! I especially love the first two!

Helene said...

Do John and Tim share a brain? I could totally hear my husband saying the same thing!

Don't you just love when you make your kids a convenience food like Hot Pockets and they think you worked all day over the stove making it for them? So sweet!!!!

Brandy@YDK said...

that's funny. i wish I could remember all the funny stuff. i need to make lists!

Christy said...

haha, I love the hot pocket comment and what John said ... sounds like my hubby!

Unknown said...

Ohhh. Your hubs sounds sooo much like my hubs. And I make the best Leggo waffles ever.

♥ Becky ♥ said...

I love these!!! How funny. Loved Mommy has "Ace". :)

shortmama said...

Rhiannon does that when I make her something totally random...like ramen noodles and says how Im the best cook. I always say yeah it was hard to open up that package

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You do make the best hot pockets! The the story about Ace in the car.
Those were all very enjoyable. Thank you for making me laugh.

Mama Badger said...

John sounds just like PB. Thank god for the men who love us, right?

I am always suspicious of cops who speed when I can't see the accident, but I can see the donut shop...

Myya said...

How funny! I love random things people say. My kids crack me up with what comes out of their mouths. Loved your hubby's response to you...what a sweetie & yet totally a guy thing to do :)