I miss blogging like crazy!
Just a quick note to let you all know what's going on in my life, now that I am able to do so.~~~I quit my job!!~~~

Now you may remember that I actually loved my job, and wonder why I'm all happy. But here's the thing = loved the job, hated the workplace. Know what I mean? 'Nough said.
It was one of those situations where I may have went along for a whole lot longer, being unhappy but staying stuck in my rut (you may also remember that I am very resistant to change!).
But a few things happened at work & outside of work that lit a fire under my butt and made me realize it was time to take the plunge.
Thankfully, John was super-supportive.
So, I did it! And then I immediately enrolled in a CNA (certified nursing assistant) course. This will enable me to do a large variety of jobs, but the ones I'm interested in are Home Health Care or Hospice. I'm going to take care of old men! (and women) Originally I only had home health care in mind, but my pastor is very involved with our local hospice and feels pretty certain that he could get me on there. If so, I'm going to try that first. I have had some experience in death & dying working in the ICU, and think I could handle hospice. In fact, I think I'd do a great job there and my pastor is very supportive and encouraging.
This is what I was talking about when I mentioned Serendipity a couple of weeks ago - that soccer mom that I randomly started talking to? A few years ago she did exactly what I had been wanting to do - quit her job (at the same hospital I just left!), got her CNA and went into home health care. She now does home health care privately, she has her own clientele and does very well, and loves what she does. It was one of those almost surreal moments where I knew I was in the right place at the right time! It was like a sign.
Then when I saw my pastor at Elayna's volleyball practice, and told him what I was doing, he told me about hospice, and it was like yet another sign! I am absolutely certain that I am right where God wants me to be right now, and I'm just trying to keep following His lead.
Today is the third day of my CNA course. I will be done on Friday, and then I will take the exam within 3-6 weeks. So far, so good, although getting back into a day shift schedule is super weird and kicking my butt! The classes are all day. Then I'm taking the kids to their sports and doing dinner & all the other usual Mom stuff. So I'm super busy and super tired!
Fortunately there is a Starbucks directly across the street from the school. Also? My blood pressure cuff and stethoscope? PURPLE, baby!!!

The ONE drawback of all of this is that my blogging time is now basically zero. Neither of our computers (PC or laptop) are working, and now that I'm not working I don't have that internet access/time. So, until I get another laptop, netbook, whatever....my blogging will be very few and far between. And since I'm not working at the moment, and when I do start I will take a pay cut initially....that won't be any time very soon.

I miss you all and want to catch up so badly! I'm at the library now, and will do as much catching up as I can (there are no games or practices tonight, hooray!).
So, that's it in a nutshell. There's so much more going on too, we are thoroughly enjoying the fall weather and had a fantastic weekend. The kids' sports are going very well also.
It's all good, except for the bloggy department! So, if you have a spare netbook just lying around, I'll be glad to give you my address. HA!

I'm so happy for you that you are following a new path! LOOOVE the purple steth & cuff - they would sure cheer me up!
Hope you get back to blogging soon
Congratulations! It is always good to be happy. Also hospice care is so important and so few people have the true compassion to do it, so kudos to you. You will bring so much comfort to people reaching the end of their life and their families.
That is sooo cool! Sometimes you just have to take the plunge... and it sounds like you have a plan and are doing great.
Miss seeing you around, but I can't say much as I haven't blogged in like -FOREVER-. I'm hoping after we get moved at the end of the month I will be able to get back into it. It has been a really strange summer, and I want my life back LOL!
well congrats to you on all these changes! im excited for you.
Congratulations for having the courage to know what you want and go get it. That is wonderful and I know that you will have many opportunities to succeed. :)
I love when God comes in and places things right in front of you. So glad you moving in this direction. The people who work for Hospice are some of the most wonderful people I have ever meet.
I pray that you have found your nitch. Good luck on your test.
I am so glad that you are so happy. Love it when you make a decision and get confirmations. We miss you...I have been MIA a bit too.
you will make a great CNA... and will bring comfort, love, and hope to everyone you touch. because that is your heart cindy. best of luck toots... and purple is my fave color too!
That's such exciting news!!!! I totally get it too... I HATE my work environment... but love my job... so I'm rooting for you!
Thank goodness for Starbuck's! It's so amazing to KNOW you are right where God wants you to be, even if it keeps you busy, busy, busy and leaves no time for blogging. Hopefully you can still pop into the library once a week to update us. You definitely have our prayers and support! I'm so proud of you for being brave and taking the plunge. I have a friend who does home health and LOVES it. Good luck, girl!
Yay for you! :-) Finding something you love is worth it. And hey, you can't really beat Starbucks when your eyes get droopy!
Wow! Congrats to you and good luck! My Mom was a home health RN for most of her working years and really loved it! Of course there were a few clients or there family that were insufferable but most were just grateful to have someone be compassionate and there to help. Good for you! We will be here whenever you come back.
Good for you! I vowed to never be my father, who basically looked back at working at a job he really hated after 40 years. You have to love everything about your job since you spend the majority of your LIFE there! My father had lots of dreams and just stayed stuck in that job.
I quit my teaching job unexpectedly after having my first sone because I just wanted to. Did it suck for us financially? For a while, yes. But then I was able to work from home. And my husband recently left his full time Army gig for the National Guard and we took another hit, but he needed to. He hated where he was and is now so much happier.
Good luck with getting your CNA!
What a great opportunity for you!
Hi Cyndy
Good for you. I admire you for making this career change. Sounds like it will be great for you. Glad the CNA course is going well and will take you in the right direction. Good luck and please keep blogging when you can. Miss you.
Congrats! I wish you the very best of luck in your new adventure.
Wow, that is awesome of you! Sounds to me like the right place and right time! :)
Yay you! You are going to be so much happier. Boo for lack of blogging though ;)
I have a friend who is doing the Hospice thing. She loves the job and the people, that's for sure.
Glad you had a moment to go off to the library to let all of us faithful readers in on your great news! I'm so happy for you.
Kristin - The Goat
I just know things are gonna work out great for you.
My best friend did the same thing.
She went to work in a nursing home. And has now moved up to the secretarial part of the job. She loves it!
And I know you will, too.
I can't wait until my schooling is over and I can get to work. All this homework is killing me.
OH MY WORD!!!!! That is so exciting!!! I am so happy for you. I think you were truly listening to what God wants you do to. That work is very difficult and it is definintely a calling. I know you are going to be so wonderful at it. WOW! I am just so excited for you! Seriously happy. :)
And don't worry about blogging right now. That will all sort itself out when life calms down a bit again. And we'll be here. :)
Oh, and I love your owl background. :)
Miss you too! Congratulations on your bold move!! I just know you'll be a huge success :)
That's so wonderful! I wish I had the guts to quit my job and go get my PhD in Psych!
Wow!! Big and exciting changes!!
I totally laughed out loud when you said a fire up your... or on your ..or ... well you know... =) ha ha!! *ahem**
I hope you find a wonderful position where you find peace in your job!!
God Bless!!
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