I'm so happy I have a chance to do some Fraggin' today! I've missed Mrs 4444's and all of the other Fraggers.

It's been busy around our house. It's weird how I really don't feel any less busy and crazy, even though I'm not working now! I've just filled those hours with other things. There are only a few soccer & volleyball games left this season though! Andrew had his best game on Saturday, they tied 2-2, and Elayna's team won a set for the first time on Tuesday night. They were SO excited!

I LOVE Halloween. It's my favorite holiday. My house is decorated and we've been to festivals and all that stuff.
BUT, every other year the kids go to their dad's house for Halloween, and it is just nowhere near as fun. I am already feeling bummed that they'll be gone all weekend. And we live out in the country and probably will get very few trick-or-treaters, if any. Sure, we could go to some Halloween events, but it's a little weird for two adults to be walking around without kids! So we'll probably stay home, watch scary movies, and eat up all the candy.

We carved our pumpkins this week. We ("we" meaning "me", since John was at work and I do not give knives to my children) carved a cross into one (Shelbie's suggestion) and a cat face into the other one (my idea). I did these free-hand, so please don't laugh too hard. The cross is totally crooked. We had fun though! (I had fun playing on Picnik, too.)

To all of you who are still coming by and reading, even though I so rarely get to read your blog....

Seriously, you are awesome and I appreciate it SO much!!

Well my friends, I am off! Be sure to visit Half Past Kissin Time for more Friday Fragments. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a
Happy Halloween!

the pumpkin cat turned out totally cute.
I love Halloween too! Hope you have a great one! :)
Love the pumpkins! And the pics. I gotta go check out that site.
Happy Halloween to you, too!!
happy halloween to you too! you guys could go to those scary walk through haunted houses if ya want something to do. jus sayin..
I think your pumpkins are cute. I love it when it looks like people did them freehand & didn't use a stencil. Happy Halloween, hope you are suprised & get some trick or treaters :)
We love it, too...and those pumpkins are great! Hope you get some good treats. XO!
Fun pumpkins! I lovd carved pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds, but I hate the mess! Enjoy your weekend!
I think your pumpkins are awesome & I'm super excited for Halloween too lol Sorry the kids won't be home :(
We live in a city and still don't get any trick or treaters. It sucks.
You could always dress up in costume and have some scary romantic fun, hahahaha Can't you just picture Mr.4444 romancing me in his ELF costume? too funny....
I feel busier not working, too! What did I do when I worked?!
Pumpkins look like fun, we didn't get to that part!
p.s. you inspired me to participate in Friday Fragments now :)
A night of scary movies is always fun too!
Enjoy your scary movie weekend!
Hi! I'm still popping in every now and then to see what you're up to. And I don't keep a tally of who visits and who comments at my blog. I so rarely have anything interesting to post anyway!
I'm a little late but Happy Halloween. Great pictures.
love that kitty cat one. too cute!
Hope you enjoyed a quiet/scary Halloween... I don't do scary anymore... gives me nightmares... NCIS is about as scary as I get these days!! or Castle... *ahem* both with more humor than scare... =) oh well!! cute pumpkins.. I was too lazy to carve this year... my kiddos love to draw on them anyway... "they last longer"... such practical little ones!! ha ha
hey cyndy loooo hooooo... got somethin sweet 4 you on me bloggy....
Halloween is by far my favorite holiday and I too tried my hand at pumpkin carving this year and did pretty good (if I do say so). Hows things girl? I havent been around in soooo loooong!
Love that last one with the kid and the cake. Love you too! Sorry that your Halloween was a bit of a bummer. You have next year, hooray!
The pumpkins came out great and I love those boarders you put around them. Take care.
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