
10 Things I Believe In

This is my first time being able to participate in Mama Kat's Writing Assignment. I'm very pleased to be able to do it, finally!
If you have never visited Mama Kat, you are missing out. She is smart, funny, real, beautiful, the whole 9 yards. She has it going on! I love that attention craving poodle.
She's also having a giveaway right now that you should really check out. But if you enter, could you please do it in MY name? I really need a vacuum right now! K thanx bai.
So, for the writing assignment, I chose to list 10 things I believe in. These are scattered and unrelated things, but things that I truly do believe in.

1. Number one has to be Karma. Whatever you choose to call it, I'm a firm believer that what goes around really does come around.
2. Love. I had my doubts at some points in my life, whether or not true love really existed. I have no more doubts. (now I have that Dixie Chicks song in my head. "I believe in love. Love that's real, love that's strong, love that lives, on and on......")
3. Telling your kids NO. Why are some people afraid to set boundaries or say the dreaded "N-O" word to their children? They are doing their children and the world NO favors with this mentality. And it drives.me.crazy.!
4. The Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." It's the number one thing I try to teach my children. I'm not saying I always follow it! But I think it's the ultimate rule to live by.
5. Helping out your fellow man, and those who can't help themselves. Be that children, animals, the elderly, adults who have fallen on hard times....etc.
6. Spaying & neutering, and being a responsible pet owner. This means taking care of your pet in all ways. This does not mean expecting your pet to act & reason like a human. It is OUR job as pet owners to protect them. We take on that responsibility when we take that animal into our home. Please, take it seriously.
7. Fun. Laughter. Enjoying the company of your family & friends. Living life to the fullest, not sitting idly back and watching it pass me by!
8. "You teach people how to treat you." -Dr Phil Whether you like him, love him, or hate him, this quote, in my opinion, is right on. You have to set boundaries with people in your life. Even if it means losing them, that's better than allowing yourself to be treated terribly. Another big thing I try to teach my kids. I had to live & learn.
9. Live & let live. Judge not. And "before you point your finger,make sure your hands are clean." -Bob Marley
10. I believe that this blogosphere is an amazing place. The fact that so many people take time out of their day to read my posts, then leave a comment of support, to wish me well, to commisserate, to laugh......it thrills me to no end. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. When I'm really PMSing, it makes me get choked up. Seriously, blogging is truly amazing. Thank you all for being my friends!


Wep said...

I am totally with you on all 10 accounts!

Weeksie50 said...

We have a lot of the same beliefs..

S Club Mama said...

I just started work at a daycare...I wish all parents told their kids no. My son hears it at least 10 times a day (no worries, he hears much more praise though).

tiarastantrums said...

awesome post - love #10! so true!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE #9.




Anonymous said...

Karma works, yes it does. Great list. Can't disagree with a single one.

GypsiAdventure said...

That is pretty cool...I'm with you in most of those. I've always tried to keep in mind "when pointing fingers, remember there are always 3 pointing back at you."


Love your blog, makes me smile every day! Have a great one!

A New Yorker said...

Oh these are so great. And thanks for that contest link. You have NO idea how much I need one -- so I hope I win. If you read my post you'll understand.

Jo-Jo said...

We loooovvvve you too!

Momisodes said...

I couldn't agree more with your list. ALL of them.

The blogosphere is a pretty amazing place isn't it? You can certainly tell when I'm PMSing from my posts. Like *ahem* this week :)

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

KARMA....I am a BIG TIME Believer

WOW, Your list is spot on for me. You hit the nail on the head for each thing, I believe the same way!

Valerie said...

that dixie chicks songs is one of my very favorites, along with "more love"

Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

great beliefs! I'm with ya!

Jen said...

I agree BIG time!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big Karma believer too. It makes me feel better in so many situations.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

good list! wouldn't the world be better if no one judged?

Heather said...

What is it with people not being able to tell their kids no?? I see this all the time and it makes me crazy. Kids need boundaries.

Emily said...

That is a wonderful list- and I love that you put the fun in dysfunctional. That's the kind of mom I hope to be ...

Mamahut said...

Awe, I love you and your ten things in a non stalker way. Those are some very strong words to live by. Everyone should try it.

KatBouska said...

Awesome list. I agree with every BIT of it!! Even Dr. Phil's advice...a wise man.

...and I LOVE the Dixie Chicks...it's stuck in my head now too...thanks. ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG! #8 is for me!! I am writing that one down and I will refer back to it everyday! Teach people how to treat you. That. is. awesome.

Anonymous said...

I love the things you believe in! It sounds like you've found the keys to living a good life! Great post.

Debbie Y. said...

Your new photo blew me away. I didn't hardly recognize your new beautiful, svelte self. Wow! Now I have to go back and read your blog post. I had to comment about the pic right away. LOL

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Oh yeah, you don't want to be pointing fingers if you have a big booger hanging off of one. ;-)

Lex the mom said...

I am with you on so many of these points! Awesome post & karma is real.

I have absolutely no problem with the word No - in fact, I think (and so do the kids) I use it way too much. I even say no before I hear the question... Them - "Mom, ..." Me - "NO!"

Shell in your Pocket said...

What a fun blog! I do believe you teach people how to treat you! I am new to blogging and there are amazing people out here or in there or whatever!
-Sandy Toes

Jennifer said...

Those are great! I'm right there with you!

I don't get the not saying "no" thing at all! Kids need and want discipline and boundries--it's so important!!

Anonymous said...

I really despise "Dr." Phil but I've gotta say, that's a good quote, and SO true. I've lived by that rule for a long time and it has served me well.

Unknown said...

This is a beautiful and well written list. I love all 10!

krissy said...

We are like sista's. Really. I'm not kidding.

And may I just add how super fantastic you look in your new profile picture.

I love my friends too. I just wish that time was more abundant in my life. I need a vaca. And my first stop is going to be sunny Florida with my super friend..YOU!

Claremont First Ward said...

Excellent list!

Casey's trio said...

Great list...we believe in alot of the same principles.

OHmommy said...

The BEST lesson ever, I agree...

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

Rhea said...

The golden rule truly is a wonderful thing to live by. If we apply it to our life, it really makes a difference. Even in the little stuff.

Nice post!

Anonymous said...

i sooooo believe in karma, too! absolutely. beany :)

Anonymous said...

WOW cyndy!
your number eight smacked me right in the face and got my attention. i love what you shared there and what you also added to the quote. thank you for sharing this.

i did a shout out to you on my blog tonight about this if you want to come see.

so glad i came over here tonight.


Mrs4444 said...

I'm totally with you on pretty much all of these. Off to sing your praises, if it's not too late to enter....

tinahead81 said...

well said! i totally agree--especially with karma and telling your kids "no"!! thanks for sharing!
happy(first)sits saturday sharefest!

Mikki Black said...

Thinking on #3... Now that my kids are older and learning to be "persuasive" (aka manipulative), our new phrase is "No means No!" :)

Happy SITS sharefest.