
My Leap Of Faith.

So, I'm taking this leap of faith. I'm revealing something I didn't think I'd reveal on my blog, and I'm not sure that I won't delete this post.
I fall into the category of people that are still ridiculed, joked about, and put down, and it's still PC and perfectly acceptable.
Blountly, I am fat. And, I hate it. I'm not extremely overweight by most standards. But I am very overweight. The medical term is obese.
And after a lifetime of fighting it, developing health issues because of it, I have finally decided that I need major help with this problem; I can't do it alone.
On February 25th, I'm having Roux En Y Gastric Bypass surgery.
I'm very excited. But I've told very few people about it, online and in my daily life.
I am afraid to post it here because people look at overweight people in a very different way. As if we have less value, and aren't taken seriously. We are overlooked for promotions, jobs, positions, friendships, relationships.....and life.
And so many people look at surgery as the easy way out, which it is absolutely NOT. Or just think that someone who "lets themself" get to this point lacks control and/or is lazy. None of those things are necessarily true.....but that's the way many people think.
So, risking all that.........here I am. Taking a leap of faith.


krissy said...

You go girl!!!

I hear what your saying about being labeled fat however, I do not determine a person by the way they look but by the way the live!

I can understand your decision and I am very happy for you. Don't be ashamed! Be proud that you have worked hard and have the insurance to pay for such a procedure. See, I think positively!!!! :-)

OHmommy said...

Wow... be proud. You are taking ahuge leaf of faith to better your life. Awesome! Keep us posted!!!

Alison said...

good luck on your surgery...a very good friend of mine had it done a few years ago, I was her support person. she has done very well, no complications at all!!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Thank you all. I am very happy and proud, but at the same time I'm keeping pretty quiet about it because some people have a LOT Of negative things to say. And it's not the right time for me to hear that!

pb&j in a bowl said...

I wish you all the best on your "leap of faith". My cousin had the same surgery and has had awesome results. Those people that have negative things to say, have never been in your shoes, and don't know what you've gone through. Good luck!

suchsimplepleasures said...

i think that is awesome!! i know quite a few people that have had that procedure and, they are all so happy with the results!!
i wish you the best of luck with it! and...i hope it gives you the confidence and happiness that you are looking for...i'm sure it will!!
you are awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I hope that everything goes smoothly!!! We are all here for you in your journey. It is a very personal one, but as I am finding out, sometimes the kind encouraging words of "strangers" can be just the help that you need to get you through the tough times. :)

Anonymous said...

Props to you for putting yourself out there. I hope the surgery is a success.

LunaNik said...

You are amazing and brave and beautiful!

Lots of luck with the surgery! I have seen this procedure change people's lives! My step mother's family all have problems with their weight and a few have had this done. The results are WONDERFUL and they are sooo happy they went thru with it.

Gen said...

Good for you! Until one struggles with weight themselves, it's very difficult to understand how very torturous it is to try and lose weight, especially when so many of your body's systems are not working at peak performance. I'll say prayers that your surgery goes well, and I wish you much success with your weight-loss!

Kat said...

Wow! That is amazing! Good luck to you! Please keep us posted on your progress.
You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I applaud you for being so open. That in itself is taking a huge leap of faith, especially out here in the blogosphere.

Good Luck with your surgery. I've heard it's pretty major, but I wish you all the very best.

Thanks for your commet to my blog also.

Lottifish said...

I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hopefully reading about your journey.

Tera said...

Good luck with the surgery. And thanks for this post. I, too, am overweight. I don't like to talk about it. Hopefully, this will help people realize that we really are just all the same, whatever we weigh. All the best!

Freak Magnet said...

I too would love to have this surgery and I admire you for doing it! I know what it's like for people to just ASSume that you lack self control or that you are lazy... It's so untrue and so unfair. I hope that you are healing well!

loveyh said...

Good luck! I just happened to see this, and I wanted to let you know that I am also doing something medical--I am on that last step before surgery would be an option. Check out my weight loss blog--http://weighting4change.blogspot.com. I'd love to have you as a guest poster. :) You'd be a great inspiration and show a different perspective.