Recently, I was purging my reader, removing some of the blogs that are never updated any more, and also some of the ones that, for whatever reason, I don't want to read any more. I started thinking of the main things that make me decide to stop reading other blogs, and wondered if my readers felt the same way I did about these things. So I posed a question on
this post:
I've ready many posts of "what to do" advice on blogging. But recently I thought of a few things that are good examples of what NOT to do in the blog world. So my question for you is,
What is something (or a few things) that another blogger can do to make it unlikely that you will continue to follow or read their blog? And my readers definitely weighed in!
So I'm going to share these with you, so that maybe if you're inadvertently committing some of these bloggy faux pas, you will see the error of your ways. {Or, totally continue on as you were because you don't care what anyone thinks, so neener neener! Whatever floats your boat.}
Several of my bloggy friends are not fans of frequent reviews and giveaways. To quote Rebecca Jo from
Knit By God's Hand: " when a blog is just about promoting stuff & not about someone & their life - & what they REALLY use in life - not to JUST get free stuff... I mean, I dig people who have a giveaway every now & then - or talk about things they use.. .but for EVERY entry to turn into a marketing tool - no thank you.. that's why I have DVR, to fast forward through commercials! :)" I could NOT agree more! The occasional giveaway or review is fine, but when a blog becomes nothing but giveaways, (or maybe there's just a 'real' post thrown in every now and then to throw you off)...that's when I remove them from my reader. My friend Kat at
Seeking Sanity feels the same way, saying "I like to read about peoples' lives." Me too, that's one of my favorite things about blogging.
Shawna at
My Girls is not a fan of multiple sidebar ads.
Melani from
Serena & Brandon's Playhouse does not like it when bloggers slam other bloggers. Whether it's a blog friend or a real-life friend, and even if they don't mention someone by name, often the person knows they are the one being slammed and in my opinion, that's just cowardly and dirty, so I totally agree with Melani - that's an automatic UNfollow!
And on a similar topic,
Elizabeth Sheryl said: "I really dislike it when bloggers will attack another blogger, especially when its petty. A lot of people diss on popular bloggers, especially if they make good money at it, and nit pick at any little thing. It just reeks of jealousy and turns me off." Totally agree - that's all about jealousy!
Shell at
Things I Can't Say is not a fan of auto-reply, and neither am I; if you can't reply personally, don't bother!
Mama Wheaton said that some blogs are so personal and seem directed to the blogger's family, just to update them on their lives. In that case, she feels like she is invading the blogger's privacy and tends to stop reading. I have read blogs like that as well, and felt the same.
My friend Tammie of
Irregular Tammie has a few peeves: when bloggers focus almost exclusively on one topic (like pregnancy); bad writing; and then....the big one.
The one that came up in so many comments, and the one that was on my mind when I asked this question.
Reciprocation.BUT....Tammie's take on it is different than most; she doesn't mind if a blogger she likes doesn't comment on her blog. She definitely loves comments, but she doesn't want anyone to feel obligated to comment on her blog, and loves the process of blogging itself most of all.
Kristin from
The Goat also doesn't mind
not getting reciprocal comments. She understands that the bloggers she enjoys may not enjoy her blog, and that's ok with her. (she does, however, hate white writing on black backgrounds, foul language, and poop talk! So take note!)
I agree with Tammie and Kristin, but with an exception - if I am a regular commenter, and you don't want to read/comment on my blog, that's fine, but at least take a moment to reply to the comments I leave on your blog. I am not one to leave "just saying hi" type comments; I put thought and concern into my words. I am interested in your life. Especially if I ask a direct question, or offer you congratulations, prayers, support.....it is just common courtesy to at least answer my question or say "Thank You". I know how hard it is to keep up; while I am not wildly popular, I am a wildly busy mom, working full time and taking care of a large
zoo family. But I try really hard to either comment back or reply to comments as much as I can. I think it's important; for me, blogging is about writing AND relationships; that's what makes it uniquely wonderful!
My friend Cat from
Juggling Act of Life cut straight to the point: "I stop reading if someone never comments on mine. I mean, what's the point then?"
The Grasshoppa will do the same. She also does not like blogs that automatically play music. I don't like that either, but it's not an automatic deal-breaker for me, just reeeeally annoying!
Tree from
Mother of Pearl It Is (and several other great blogs!) said: "Oh, and I will always stay following someone that leaves me comment luv frequently, or at least acts like they read my blog!" I love it!
Debby at
Just Breathe has a slightly different take on that. "As I work on getting my reading of blogs down I would have to say that at some point I need to let go of those who seldom/never really visit me because they like what they read. They only come over because I came over. I do find that several people that I follow I may not always comment on their post. I just don't follow some of the meme's for the day. I don't like to watch music videos that are 5 min. long. That doesn't mean I stop following them, I just don't read that day. I don't want to comment if I can't give the post 100% of myself."
I thought about this, and I agree. I don't mind an occasional quicky comment just to let me know you're still around, but if you're just visiting me because you feel obligated to do so, then I think I'd rather you not do that. If nothing about my post speaks to you enough to leave a real thought, it's ok not to comment that day. Maybe my next post will spark your interest more!
Oh, and I rarely watch videos at all. That's just not my thing, sorry!
I really hope that this post will help you all in some way; either giving you new ideas for your own blogging & commenting, giving you some tips on what not to do....or maybe just helping you clear out your reader some without feeling guilty! We all have our "deal-breakers" and that's OK; that's what makes the blogosphere go around!