When I was very young, I thought the idea of organ donation was gross. Then, when I was still quite young in fact, I had a child. And that changed everything. When I would read stories about children with illnesses, whose lives were saved by organ donations, through my tears I would think, How dare I even think about taking an organ for my child, if I am not willing to give mine? And I soon became an organ donor. I made sure that my family knew of my wishes. Although John hates to discuss it, he knows how I feel, and knows that I fully intend to come back and haunt him if he does not honor my wishes.
While sorting through a patient's admission paperwork, I noticed that she had specifically opted NOT to donate her organs. And I just do not understand that. Why? How can you deprive someone of a chance at life by keeping organs that you no longer need? They will rot away. And thus, someone who could've lived for many more years, may die because of that decision.
What if it were your loved one who needed the organ or tissue? Like Hallie's Dad. Hallie over at Wonderful World of Weiners, of course. Her dad would not be with them today, if not for the kindness of a stranger. She is currently doing a raffle to raise money for organ donation, and it is HUGE. It's just her way of giving back, as her Dad was given back to her family.
My friend Lori at The Queen's New Throne has a friend who is waiting for a liver. Their lives are on hold while they wait for that call saying they have the liver she needs.
Read some of the stories here. Think about how you would feel if your life, or the life of someone you love, was hanging in the balance, waiting for an organ, while so many people are being buried with their perfectly good organs inside of them. Thirteen people die every day in the US waiting on an organ transplant. Don't wait until it's too late. Become an organ donor now!
Are you an Organ Donor? If not, please tell me why not? I'm honestly interested.
I so am. I don't want to go with anything that can be used!
This is an awesome post. Thank you for advocating so strongly for what truly is the greatest gift one can give.
My Dad is alive BECAUSE of a 19 year old and the family that opted to give his heart to my father. This young man was in a horrific car accident and was found to be brain dead. His family was told that he was only alive because of machines.
That family chose to honor their son's memory and give to others what they could. His organs helped dozens of people. My Dad was one of them.
My Dad spent 98 days dying in the hospital waiting for a heart. One family, in their darkest hour, gave my Dad a new birthday.
PLEASE consider becoming a donor. And please consider hopping over to my fundraiser and giving what you can. Even one dollar makes a difference.
(and in doing so, you will be entered to win over $3300.00 worth of prizes!!)
honestly, i never really thought about it. but now that ive given it a moments pause, i dont see why i wouldnt be an organ donor.
im not sure why someone would specifically choose to not be a donor...possibly religious reasons?
I've been an organ donor since I can remember - I know my family has had a hard time understanding this, but if there is just one thing I could do in my life to help someone (even if I never do anything else) I would want to do this.
Recently the hubs and I became involved with a foundation that supports Organ Donation, the story behind the foundation is incredible and we feel so blessed to be able to be apart of it.
Great post and you have some really good points! Stopping by from SITS and hope you have a great day!
Great post! I am, and so is my husband. It sorta grosses us out too, to think about it, so we just signed the paperwork and forgot about it. Once we're gone, we'll be so glad we donated our organs, and wonder why it grossed us out at all!
Yes, both Chris and I are signed up through our drivers licenses as organ donors. I encourage it to all my family but they just always brush me off. I think if it comes down to a situation though my family would have no problems with donating any viable organs of a loved one that has passed. I say viable because several of my relatives have heart disease and diabetes so some of their organs might not be able to be donated. Oh and how do you feel about people donating their bodies to medical schools Cyndy? My Mom and Dad both want their bodies donated. It's creepy to think about but they've always told us this since I can remember.
I am an organ donor... didn't think twice about it. God doesn't need my physical body... so why should I keep it?
Interesting enough, today I posted a sad post about a friend's daughter that was just declared brain dead... and she's a donor... so her last gift is the gift of life for others...
I most definitely am an organ donor!!
Our friends daughter died last year while driving to Florida to Disney world with a bunch of friends. She lived a few days and then sadly took a turn for the worse...but all her organs even her SKIN was donated!!! What a gift to give!
I am. I plan to be cremated, so why wouldn't I be?
I have a friend who seems to be afraid of dying so he says he "can't" be an organ donor, because of "religious reasons", he is Catholic, well I am Catholic too and I've been an organ donor since I was 16. I don't think God will love me any less if I am "not whole" when they cremate me!
My brother couldn't donate organs when he died, due to drug use and tats, but he was able to donate his corneas as well as his skin for skin grafts!
I had a friend who recently passed because she was waiting on a liver! I made the choice, I can only hope that I will be able to help someone else live a long and full life!
Excellent post!
Thank you for posting this and bringing it to light. I do not understand why people choose not to donate them as well. Especially if it can save a life.
I am a donor and have been since I had a driver's license!
I've never understood why someone wouldn't want to donate.
Just stopping by from SITS to say HI!
Awesome post Cyndy! The more that read, the more that think and the more that do!!
My oldest son is a burn victim and one thing I insist they take is my skin. Sometimes people don't think of that when it comes to organ donation!
Hopefully the word gets out and more and more people start being donors. It's just too damn important!!!
Awesome post, what I great subject to bring to light. I am an organ donor and plan to be cremate. I told my husband (and family) that I want them to take all usable parts before I am cremated. What am I going to need them for?
At Karen in Texas: if your parents want to donate their bodies to medical schools they need to arrange that in advance of their passing. Believe it or not, some med schools are overrun with donated bodies and will not take them if previous arrangements have not been made (while the donator is still alive).
I honestly had never thought much about it until a good friend of mine and her husband lost one of their twin boys while he waited on a 2nd heart transplant right before his 4th birthday. It's so sad.
My husband and I have discussed it so we know what each other's wishes are and we are both organ donors, should the unexpected happen.
This is such a great post and I'm happy that you're spreading the word about how important organ donation is!
Yes, I am. I had a friend who was given back her father with an organ donor. It taught me what being an organ donor really means.
If you're going to be an organ donor, why not donate your organs to other organ donors? Check out LifeSharers at www.lifesharers.org.
About half of the organs transplanted in the United States go to people who haven't agreed to donate their own organs when they die. That's just not fair. Everyone who would be willing to receive a transplant should be willing to donate their own organs.
LifeSharers - Organs for Organ Donors - www.lifesharers.org
I'm an organ donor and a registered bone marrow donor too! You don't even have to die to save a life! Go to marrow.org to find out more!
I am a full donor. I can't understand why people wouldn't be..
It's the gift of LIFE for people. Lots of people!
Excellent post, I really love this!
Happy to say I am already an organ donor. A great topic to post about and bring attention to this issue.
Thank you. We needed this.
I'm kind of creeped out by the idea, but I have signed the proper stuff to donate my organs. I don't believe I will need them again...
Yep.. I am an organ donor.. I know I won't need them and hopefully some of my stuff will be "in working order" after I go.. :)
I agree 100% and have signed my donor card and those of my kids. I am also on the national bone marrow registry.
Great post!
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