I pet them and talked to them, and when I got down to the last cage....I nearly fainted.
Is this not THE most gorgeous cat you've ever seen?
She is a snowshoe ragdoll. And if all goes well.....she will be mine tonight.
The only concern is how my dogs will get along with her. She is used to dogs, in fact she was fostered with dachshunds! But my dogs aren't used to cats. But they're sweeties and I really think they'll be ok. I talked to the lady from the rescue group at length, and we're convinced she was meant to be ours.
So, tonight, after I do a home visit for my Dachshund Rescue Group, we're all going to meet her.
What's one more animal to add to the zoo, right?
Good luck with the new kitty and congrats! She's a pretty kitty!
Your doxie pals,
Joey and Maggie....
The Long and
Short of it All
Aw, that is a gorgeous kitty!
She is gorgeous! We introduced a little 3-pound calico to two lumbering Labs last summer. Now the cat rules the house. Good luck!
she is gorgeous and looks just like my Tucker, but Tucker has stripes on his face instead of solid grey.
Oh she is gorgeous!! I'm a total sucker for a cat that needs a home. That's how I got all three of the cats I've owned in my lifetime.
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