...you never know what kind of pictures you'll end up with! But they're bound to be entertaining. They can range anywhere from the silly/goofy, to the amazing. You may be surprised at what you'll see when you're looking through your kid's eyes. You get a glimpse of how they view the world, and what they find important enough to photograph.
So, I'm issuing a challenge! Once a week, give one of your kids the camera. If you can't bear to put your fancy, cost-as-much-as-your-kids'-college-education camera in the hands of a drooling, clutzy preschooler, give him your cell phone camera, buy her a kiddy camera, or just get a disposable! Let her take pictures of a trip to the zoo, a family wedding, or just hanging around the house. See the world through your kid's eyes, whether that is 2 feet from the ground, or 6 inches taller than you!
Then, post the results on Tuesdays. One picture, seven pictures, how-ever-many (I totally made that up) stand out as something fun or funny or just cool. And, tell your friends to give their kid a camera, give them a link back here, and tell them to join us on Tuesdays!
Feel free to steal the graphic, too.
Here are my first If You Give a Kid a Camera shots.
If you give a small Princess a camera....
...you may find an adorable shot of one of your dogs.
If you give a Spiderman a camera....
....you may just get a little creeped out when open your cell phone to find a picture of a snake! *shudder*
If you give a preteen Ladybug a camera....
....you may wonder why your boy-crazy daughter felt the need to take a picture of her cell phone....with your cell phone.
And if you give a teen T-bone a camera...
....you may end up with the best picture of your beautiful cat, that you've ever seen.
(taken with his cell phone, totally unretouched. Her eyes are really that blue, and I've never been able to capture it before!)
What do you think will happen....if YOU give a kid a camera?
Those eyes! Fantastic.
Dad is a bit of a weirdo. He would NEVER EVER let us touch anything. I remember them bitching about the bad photos we took with cheap cameras and what a waste it was...all the cut off heads etc... When I see parents like you and my cousins it makes me sad for what I did not get with mine. You're a good mommy.
What an awesome idea. I love looking at photos from my daughter, it's always an adventure to see what she will come up with (or who's head will get chopped off) hahaha
Going to try this...
I want to do this too, what a great idea.
Such a good picture of the kitty but ICK on the snake LOL
what a fun idea - and lauren - life in the age of digital cameras is WAY different than when I was young and my dad's camera was off limits... he hated out stupid waste of film shots with our cheapy cameras too... luckily I can just let the kids snap away with the digital these days and only print the one or two that I want :)
thanks for visiting my blog last week - yes, it took me this long to get around to returning the visit... life...
What a fun idea! However, I think my daughter would toss my camera into the potty...or down the stairs...or check to see if it will bounce. But perhaps I will try and see this weekend how she fares.
I LOVE that camera phone shot of the phone :)
This is a great idea! I've given Little Bear my camera before and let her go crazy. She actually takes some good pictures! I edit them a little on the computer for lighting and stuff, but its very cool to see the kinds of things that catch her eye and seem photo-worthy to her. Count me in!
cool idea! If I gave my kid a camera she would probably take a pic of her car, she is in love with that thing. LOL
I love this idea. I usually get pictures of toys. That's it...just toys.
I love these... the cat eyes are fabulous! I love this idea too. We just got THE BOY a new camera. I may have to join the fun.
Sounds fun! Both of my teens have cameras, and I've seen some wonderful shots with unique perspectives. I'll put them on it! :)
Awesome idea. Maeve got a camera for her birthday, not a kiddie camera, a real, HP, 5MP digital camera. Some of the family photos she took are pretty good. I was going to use some for Wordless Wednesday, but, I may have to do this instead. What a fun idea!
That's a cool idea! I'm in next Tuesday.
What a great idea! I will do it! Your cat's eyes--amazing!!
What a great idea! Congratulations on the successful move, it must feel great to be all in one house and have everyone settled.
I have tons of photos! I will have to share next week!
Love your kids' photos. Especially the cat one. Gorgeous kitty!
I've done this before, and it's fun...it also shows me how messy my house is!!
That's a beautiful cat! And, that's coming from someone who hates cats!
so funny - my son was taking pictures yesterday with my camera!
I've seen posts like this and ALWAYS love getting the kids' view. Can't wait to participate!!
You have to go look at my post today! My kid had the camera and it scared the crap out of me.
your cat is gorgeous!!!
this sounds like fun...I may have to join in next week!!!
My kids love taking pictures of the dogs. And dinosaur toys, can't forget those.
OMG..I so love this idea.. I am all over it for this Tuesday!!!
I love this idea!! I always get a good laugh looking through my kids' camera shots!!
What a great idea! My husband (or was it Santa?) got each of the boys cameras for Christmas. Mostly what we got the first year was photos of butts, floor, toys & silly out-of-focus faces! I have tried to get my boys to blog.
This might be easier for them to keep up with.
Good post.
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