Today's edition of If You Give a Kid a Camera is brought to you by the Princess. I turned her loose with my cell phone this afternoon, and she had a blast. She mostly photographed our fall/Halloween decor. She did a great job!

A black cat candle holder (we seem to like candle holders a lot....)

This is a wooden cat, and a wooden pumpkin sits in front of him and says "Happy Halloween".

A jack o'lantern....you guessed it....candle holder!

a Halloween tree I've had for many years.
This is a S'mores bat. He lights up. So cute! One of my favorite decorations.

And this is my favorite IYGAKAC picture for this week. This....is the Princess's SOCK! LOL
Here are the participants for this week's IYGAKAC:
If you joined in, let me know so I can link you up!
I might do this..will let you know!
Are you talking yet?
Are you doing the Blogathon?? Well I put you as one of my top blogs b/c you DO put the FUN in dysFUNctional :)
Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I'm on it.
Hey, head over and get your tag.
Do I qualify as a the kid?
She went crazy on the spooky didn't she? lol
I agree...the sock picture is the best!!! I am definitely all in next week!!
Happy Blogathon...and as always...GO GATORS...wasn't last week's game AWESOME!!!!
Love that! I gave my daughter a camera when she was younger and she is now in photography school.
She got some good ones! You have some really cute Halloween decorations!
Came to you from Angie's site and WW. These pictures are great. I like how they reflect the height of your child as she took the pictures!
Oh, and I did not think a hunky UPS guy could be frightened.. or maybe he wasn't hunky?
I love giving the kids the camera and seeing what they've taken photos of. It also makes me realize what a mess my house is!!
That doorbell looks so scary. It scared the crap out of me and it didn't even move or make noise. UGH.
OH! How fun! I may just have to have my kids do this next week for their blog. How fun!!!! (hey! remind me if you don't see me doing it...you know, in your spare time. LOL)
Awww, these are actually great shots! She really did a fabulous job capturing the seasonal decor :)
That doorbell scared the bejeebees out of me just looking at it!
I LOVE this idea, and will be joining in next week (if I remember, something about brain cells...or lack there of, LOL)
I just wanted you to know I just tagged you;)
Not bad for a little kid! Coolness.
Oh man girl I forgot! My kids have already left for school I will go see what I have on my camera and get back to ya k?
very cute - my son was a maniac last night with the camera - he is really getting into this - unfortunately he wants my $750 camera to use!! argh!
OK I posted my link is http://mamahutshouse.blogspot.com/2008/10/wordless-kids-with-cameras.html Thanks for letting me in on the fun!
so much fun to see what they look at...and i think that's the stuff i might overlook...def the socks!
Very cool. I have some pics my kids have taken recently. I'll have to check this out.
How cute are all those pictures and decorations! She did a great job!
Have a good day - Kellan
I love the smores bat! I have one that is a snowman and I bring him out at christmas.
I saw a candy dish similar to the doorbell. When you reach for the candy..the hand slaps down and says spooky stuff.
Scared the SH*T out of me...so we opted not to buy it! :)
Cute pics!
I totally forgot to do this.. next week I am putting it on my planner..
Love the pictures..they came out adorable!!!
I love kid pics! & mine love to play with my camera (even if I don't love that). This week, I'm not in - but next week, I might have to hand the camera over.
Are you going to theme it or can they just be any old pics taken by the kids?
You do have some very cute Halloween decorations! I love them!
Your princess is a precocious photographer. Great pictures. I like all your Halloween decorations. That door bell is indeed scary. I'm not pushing that button!
Love the pics, and the decorations!
Haha! We have the same fake chili peppers! :)
Great pictures!
These Halloween stuffs are absolutely charming.
Veeeery spooky pics. The kids did a great job!!
These are great! When my son gets the camera we get lots of feet pictures and pics of the computer. Don't know why.
I always find interesting photos when my girls get their hands on the camera. Usually they are pictures of the dog's butt.
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