Hey there, friends! Welcome to this week's edition of If You Give a Kid a Camera!
See that graphic up there? My fabulous friend Alexis from Indelible Creations made that for me! There's also a button on my sidebar over there ~~> that you can grab! Go check out her blog, she is awesome.
Today's photos are by Ladybug, my almost-13-year old

And the Ladybug is all about patterns, especially polka-dots. This is a basket we keep dog stuff in...

...and one of her striped beach towels.

And, I now have a Mr Linky going thanks again to Alexis at Indelible Designs.
Sign up! And thanks to all of you who join in the fun.
I LOVE the new banner :) Very cute.
p.s. I also love your NaBloBlahBlah banner ;)
Mine's up!
I can't remember the last time I let one of my kids use my camera. I guess I need to do that more often so I can play along here. :-)
What a great idea! I'm gonna have to do this next time. If I remember. I'm sure it would be 25 photos of polly pockets.
Love it! The button is ultra cute; I posted it on my side bar!
Love that Ladybug's first pic is of a Gator!! Got to get them young!! :)
Thanks for being the hostess with the mostest!
I know I'm late, but I'm adding mine now. :)
13 = teen terror, I saw that. I have 14 yo boy here, so I get it. She definitely took some interesting pictures. I like your stepping stones. That turtle is kind of cute, what is that?
I can't wait to let my 7 year old loose next week!
So cute, I love this series. Your site looks great!
Interesting what our kids find photo-worthy! It's a great way to find out what's important to them! Great idea!
You have a future photographer in the fam!!!
I think you have a future photographer on your hands. The pictures are great!
Methinks your daughter has a wonderful eye for photography!
I think it's great that you have pictures by children. Sort of gives us a view from a child's point of view. We forget so often! Great pictures!
I love these fun photos - good job!
Take care - Kellan
What a CUTE idea, I might have to join you guys one of these days now that I have the heads up.
Forgot to mention: adorable avatar and I made my husband check it out too!
I don't trust my kids with the camera yet...I would hate to see my digital camera shattered all over the floor:)
I love the cats - i stop by that website often when I need a good laugh!
Have a wonderful day!
I have just put up a IYGAKAC prepost for Oct. 31.
better late than never!
sharing with Candid Carrie, 'kay?
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