It's almost Valentine's Day, so what better time to talk about the Love Thang?
I have told you about the wonderful man in my life, who I call Hunter here on the blog.
I'm sure you've gathered that it's pretty serious and he and I now share a home.
But today I want to talk about Love.
I have known Hunter for over 25 years OHMYGODIAMOLD.
We went through Middle and High School together. He was one grade ahead of me. He was a HOTTIE and must have had 250 girlfriends. There's just something about him.....
I wasn't one of them. He was way too cute and cool for this chunky bookworm. We ran in different crowds.
When I first met his Dad, he said "You know ever since Hunter was a kid he has brought the PRETTIEST girls home - and he's still doing it! I don't know how he does it!"
"He's a charmer," I replied.
The girl he ended up marrying (and divorcing after 15 years) was in my Kindergarten class. I saw him around town occasionally over the years, but didn't really talk to him until the last year, when we reconnected on Facebook. We messaged off and on and then finally last year, met up in person.
I really have no words to explain how I felt that day when I first saw him again. It kind of felt like fitting in the final piece of a puzzle. It was like "Oh...ok. THIS is what I've been searching and waiting for all of this time." And he felt the same way.
We have been inseparable ever since.
(Holy Moly, while composing this post I saw this on another blog and cannot believe how perfect it is.)

He is my past, my present and my future.
My love for him is like the love I've ever had for any other man, multiplied by a million, and set on fire.
One of the things we say to each other a lot is "I love you more"; I even bought him a little wooden knick knack with that phrase painted on it. And while we tease that it means I love him more than he loves me (or vice versa), it has another meaning as well...I love him MORE than any other before him. I love him MORE than almost anything in the world (kids and other family being in another category entirely). I love him
I love him for who he is: strong, brave, tough, and fiercely protective of me.
He's also kind, sweet, generous, caring, tender, and loyal.
He has a very strong sense of right and wrong.
He's incredibly smart and knowledgeable about so many different things.
He is nowhere near perfect. He drives me crazy. I drive him crazy - and he doesn't put up with my shit.
He is quick to apologize when he is wrong - and quick to REFUSE to apologize when I'm just being a bitch.
Our relationship began when I was going through the worst time of my entire life. He saved me. He made me happy in a way that I never expected to feel again. I truly have no idea what I would've done without him at that time.
We changed each others' lives. He was also going through some hard times. His friends and family tell me how different he is now that he's with me. Happy. Healthy.
He needs me. I take care of him. I need to be needed. We fulfill each other.
When I'm with him I feel safe and loved. He must tell me that he loves me at least 20 times a day, literally. I've never felt so loved.
There are times that I stare at him and literally feel a physical sensation in my heart. I ache with love for him. That's the only way I know to explain it.
I would walk through fire for him. I would hold his hand and walk to the ends of the earth with this man.
The icing on the cake is that my kids and family love him, too. And his family loves me. His brother is one of my favorite people on earth. His mother is kind and sweet, and LOVES me and my children. She has called me an answer to her prayers. His son is a miniature version of him. His dad died knowing that he is happy and has someone who loves him.
Of course there are no guarantees for what the future holds, but I am totally confident about our future together, and I know that right now, I am right where I need to be.
This was just beautiful.
I'm so incredibly happy for you. You deserve every single bit of this happiness!
I am so happy for you! :)
Beautiful....wishing you a lifetime of love!
I couldn't be happier for you, Cyndy! Hunter sounds like a wonderful match for you!
Oh, how this makes me smile! I'm so happy that you found each other!
AWW! I'm so happy for you and I so totally get it. I may be jumping up and down and clapping! Maybe some day we'll go on a double date! (and thanks for the blog love too)
Oh sweetie! I'm so happy for you! He sounds fab and with this kind of love the sex must be a-mazing!
I'm so happy for you. Your post was filled to the brim with love and it was beautiful. You made me smile with the words that you say to each other - I just blogged about the same thing, check out the pillows, I think you'll smile.
This whole post makes me bawl all over the place.
What a lovely Valentine's Day this is for the two of you. :) I'm so happy for you!!!!!
Awwww...So happy for you! :)
So so so beautiful friend. I'm glad that you found that other piece of you.
It's weird how things work out sometimes.
I'm a sucker for love.
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