
Wordful Wednesday ~ Friends

Remember last week, when I told you that I thought our cat, Lilly, and the new kitten, Charley, would soon be friends?
I was right!

When I woke up this afternoon, they were snoozing together in the computer chair.
From enemies to snuggle-buddies in less than three weeks!
Oh, the cuteness.

Angie at Seven Clown Circus hosts WordFUL Wednesday every week, for those of us who like to showcase a photo but can't keep our mouths shut about it! It's a growing phenomenon and you should play, too!


tiarastantrums said...

just took them a few moments!!

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

awww...they are pretty kitties.

Anonymous said...

That's great! What a fun thing for you find them there sound asleep.

Hootin Anni said...

I love cats. We have two too. And your photo is so purrrrfect!

My W W is about a family movie I just watched again, and found something in it that I'd never seen before...can you see what I saw? Come on over for a visit...happy Wednesday wishes to you.

GypsiAdventure said...

awe..how sweet!

Kori said...

Oh it was bound to happen. Glad it did!

April said...

Awww...they look like they'll be buds for life! So sweet!♥

Teri said...

Cats have a way of making those cat agreements - I'm the boss, deal with it, okay we're friends.

Mrsbear said...

Very cute. It's always better when they buddy up vs. the literal cat fights.

Michelle said...

I'm glad they have become buddies. Bickering cats is not fun! :)

Aubrey said...

So does this mean the dog is out of the club? LOL

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Awwww. .......I love animal friends!

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

What a sweet picture of the kitties!

Debbie Y. said...

I am not a cat person, but that is a cute, sweet picture of the two of them. Glad they "made nice."

Kat said...

Aww. Cute kitties! :)

Sheri said...

Cute kitties! I've been toying with the idea of getting a couple of kittens, but I'm not sure my puppy would be too happy about it.

Mandy said...

So sweet! I miss our animals.

CC said...

That is sooooo cute! :)

debi9kids said...

Oh how sweet :)

Happy WW!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Aww....thats sweet. Love it!!!

Momisodes said...

Oh they are so sweet! Looks like they finally hit it off :)

Mozi Esme said...

So adorable!

Anonymous said...

Thats what I love about cats! They're like, "I hate you, but... do you want to cuddle up together? In so much as cause we're both, like, cats?"

KatBouska said...

Awww that's so sweet. And they're SO pretty!!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

What super-cute kitties! Our guys were the same way at first. Mortal enemies, except at nap time. Then all bets were off and they all curled up into a lump on my bed.

Now Buster comes in every night and "asks" to be let into Nike's room so they can have a sleepover together. He's not at all interested in spending time with his sister Sassy any more. Oh, maybe he's gay or something??? Ewwww.