
Get Moving Monday!

It's Get Moving Monday, courtesy of The Mombabe.

I have to start with yesterday. We put up a fence!
We spent the whole weekend outside, and we fenced our backyard.
This was mostly done for the benefit of our dogs, who have never had a yard and totally do not know how to act! They are so happy to have a place to run and play.
And we did it ourselves. DH's aunt and my son helped us, and I don't know what we'd have done without them.
It was frustrating and aggravating, but it's so nice to look at it and know that we did it.
And all that work was good for us! My total weight loss is now 38.5 lbs.


Gen said...

Ah, you're putting me to shame. ;-)

Good for you on the fence, not to mention the amazing weight loss!

Caroline C. Bingham said...

manual labor. nice.

You're doing great!

Kat said...

Yeah for the fence! It is so nice to have a fence when you have dogs. We put ours up two summers ago and love it.
Great job on your continued weight loss!

krissy said...

We just put in a new fence this last fall and it was grueling work. Maybe because the other fence had to come down first, which turned into trimming the trees (and getting hit on the head with a large limb), then I had to pull weeds because they were bugging me, then I had to pick up the yard because there was too much crap from the old fence. It was exhausting.

I'm glad you had a good time! I pissed and moaned the entire time!

Far From Perfect said...

We love our fence, we also have an invisible fence.Never would believe it would keep this 90lb dumb dog in the yard.. congrats on your personnal victory.

Unknown said...

this is awesome! congrats!! i have lost 12 pounds since jan! it is really hard, i know. it was so easy for me to get rid of the baby weight back when i had the teens, but since then, have struggled with this. so congrats congrats so much!!!!! you go girl! kathleen :)