My memory sucks these days, but to my surprise things started coming back to me as soon as I saw this theme.
- A mama....I don't remember ever NOT wanting to have kids.
- A teacher. BahahaHAHAHA - I have no idea what I was thinking. There's no way I could handle that job! *sidenote* - I did work in childcare for years but never with children older than three. I ADORE babies but once they become talking-back-creatures and I actually have to make them learn something vital? I'm out of my element.
- A veterinarian or animal rescuer of some kind. Always did love the animals. I would read in the paper (at a very young age) about all of the animals that were euthanized and get SO upset. Another (related) dream was Marine Biologist.
- A photographer, but not of people, of nature and animals.
- A wife.....I also don't remember ever NOT wanting to be married. And now I've done that twice, go me! HA
- I wanted to move far, far away. I still live in my hometown. I have moved into smaller neighboring towns, but am now back in my old hometown. And now I have no desire to move away!
- A cosmetologist. Which is hilarious because I SUCK at doing hair. I would've been the worst hairdresser in the history of the planet!
- I SO desperately wanted to be a famous singer. However I was not graced with the voice for that. If I could have one talent, that would probably be the one I chose.
- I wanted to be a writer. I have been writing as long as I can remember, pretty much from the time I learned how to write. Journaling, short stories, school newspaper, etc., you name it. I would love to have a book published one day. I can dream......
- I've always loved old people and wanted to take care of them, and wanted to be in health care. And Now I have been in health care for the past 6 years!
It's funny to look back and remember the things I thought I wanted to do that now TOTALLY don't fit with the person I've become (teacher, cosmotologist), and at the same time see the things that absolutely DO fit (writer, health care, animal rescuer)!
Fun Listicle as usual.
Have a great week amigos!

You have a much better memory than I do. Or I'm much older than you.
My son actually asked me this evening why I didn't just write a book.... I think I would suck at it. I write for me - not to please anyone else. And if you write... to get published you have to have critics and editor(s) and suggestions and well... so many people don't take those suggestions or comments well. I think I'd be even worse as a critic though. LOL Apparently, I'm too blunt. A trait my kids obviously inherited. :)
What a great list. It made me think back to what I wanted to do a long time ago. Some of which I have done and some of which I have not some with regrets.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving kind words. :)
Wow...I'm impressed you remembered all of that! I recall wanting to be a wife and a mom, as well as a nurse. I still want to become a nurse to a certain degree, but I'm not sure I have any brain cells left, at this point in the game. ;)
With on the mom and wife thing. I am a teacher, but I do truly prefer teaching preschool. It's by far my favorite, but doesn't pay enough for this single mom to make ends meet!
I can't believe how many teachers (or people who wanted to be teachers) are now bloggers--I feel like there is a post in there somewhere. Great list, especially #10---that takes a special person. Erin
A nice reflective listicle. Thanks for sharing.
I always had dreams of working with animals too. I go ballistic still today when I hear about animal abuse.
Wow, that's uncanny - I wanted to be all those same things exactly! Except married (for some reason I always pictured myself as a single mom, and my parents weren't even divorced. I bet a therapist could have a field day with that information). Loved reading this, it really took me back!
I wanted to be a make-up artist for a while too! Sadly, when I actually took stage make-up in undergrad I sucked at it.
Sounds like you have become many of the things on your list. Yay you!
That was a super fun list. I may have to participate next time. :)
I'm the total opposite, I don't ever remember wanting to be a mom or wife! Fast forward till now, I'm both & wouldn't have it any other way!
Great list! I really wanted to be a famous singer, too, but, alas, I also was not blessed with that gift. *sigh*
Awwww, you were such a kind, nurturing little kid! Most of my childhood ambitions involved bossing people around, LOL! Great list!
What a fun idea for a post. I'm with you on #1 fo sho. :)
#10 was interesting because it's not something you hear very often from kids. What part of health care do you work in?
I wanted to move away too! Too bad I moved to a smaller town 8 miles away LOL
We should start a choir with all of us who wanted to but can't sing. We can't be that bad, can we?LOL Great list
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