
Wordless Wednesday 12.3.08

I can haz make-ur-own pizza night?
I don't know why the Princess looks so shocked. But Spiderman sure was concentrating on getting his sauce just right.
Silly little goofballs!


Tara R. said...

I LOVE the holiday look! It's so festive! My kids still like 'make your own' nights too. These always taste better when you make it yourself.

Anonymous said...

i love the look on her face.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love her face...and it shouts, 'we r making pizza'. woot woot.

GypsiAdventure said...

Oh, I miss making pizza...that sounds so yummy right now. Oh well, just a few more days and then I'm gonna stuff my face like there is no tomorrow! (have to wait until after the marathon)

Have a great day!

tiarastantrums said...

the best of times! My kids love to do this!!

Kori said...

Love her expression. And boy is he ever focused. too funny.

Angelena said...

I love the look on her face - too cute!

More Than Words said...

How cute, and how fun!!!

Anonymous said...

It looks so cute over here.. I love how you never know what your going to get with your layout!! You did another great job..

Really cute picture ..looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

We always make home-made pizza! It is so much fun!

Susie said...

That's a great picture!!

Unknown said...

That look is priceless! Great shot! Happy WW!

Kellan said...

Looks like fun!

Have a good evening - Kellan

Anonymous said...

That's the exact same expression I get on my face every time we decide to have pizza delivered for dinner!

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

Make your own pizza night rocks! We do that when the kids have sleepovers.

Rhonda said...

What a great idea!! I can never get the dough quite right, so end up getting frozen stuff! lol

JEN said...

Looks like fun. And yummy too!

Jennifer said...

That's a great idea! Why haven't I done that here??

Momisodes said...

I love the holiday theme here!

They are adorable. We love make your own pizza's! I bet they had a ball :)

Kat said...

Oh how fun! I should really do that with the boys. I bet they'd LOVE it. :)

Ness said...

Love the pizza makin' pic!

Except for the circular pic at the top of my blog, I can take no credit for the design. Stephanie at My Daily Life designed it and my fall one. She loves to do this kind of stuff. It totally boggles my mind...if I tried, I would delete my blog! I love your holiday blog design! I'm doing my tree in red and silver this year.

Claremont First Ward said...

I love the expression on her face, too! :)

Aubrey said...

Gotta love that look! She's too cute. Looks like a lot of fun!