I worked four nights this week (instead of my usual three) and three of the four KICKED.MY. ASS.
But the last night was great - and one of my patients is writing me up for our little reward system. Hee hee - I'm such a dork that I LOVE that stuff! I get a star on my name badge and a note in my file that I'm pretty much awesome. It's the little things.....

This week Shelbie turned seventeen. That is still surreal to me.
We had her birthday dinner Thursday night at a seafood restaurant. My family and Hunter's family attended. There were about 15 people there total.
It was WONDERFUL. You would think we've all been family for years.
My son bought Shelbie a card and gave her money for her birthday. The card was PERFECT for the two of them. I am SO proud of all of my children!!
I also met Hunter's (step) brother for the first time and I just love him! He's a CCU nurse who lives in Vegas. He's coming over for dinner Saturday night.

#1 He's STILL in the hospital.
#2 He and Shelbie are no longer dating.
His ex girlfriend decided to jump on the drama of him having cancer and try to win him back.
I do not have a good opinion of her - for MANY reasons. Long story short - they are back together.
Health wise he is struggling. And cancer doesn't give anyone the right to treat anyone the way he treated my daughter (basically getting back with the ex but stringing my daughter along).
Anyway. I am still praying for his recovery and will probably visit him tomorrow because I still love him and his mother. But as a Mama...I'm ticked.

One reason I will probably visit him tomorrow is that my best friend Danielle - who I just posted about on Wednesday - is in the hospital. She had a seizure on the way to her honeymoon and has since had a second seizure - she's never had seizures before. We have no idea what's going on. Prayers? Please?

We had a to call a refrigerator repair man out today; our refrigerator wasn't cooling properly (and Hunter and I LOVE our cold sodas!!). He had to replace the fan. I said to him, "I don't even know why we're bothering with this since the world's going to end tomorrow!" I had him cracking up.

I guess I will leave you with my last Facebook status today:
Feeling incredibly blessed tonight. Not because my life is perfect, but because I am SO very grateful for what I do have. ♥
Happy Birthday, Shelbie!
Sorry about all the boy drama. =( Sometimes boys are stupid.
Shelbie is seventeen? She seemed so young a few years ago. Time is going by too quickly. I am so sorry to hear about Danielle. Hope she is better soon and I will be praying for her.
Happy Birthday to Shelbie!
Glad you're so happy
As for Dusty- well, I imagine he's chosen to learn a lesson the hard way. The very hard way....
Happy Birthday to Shelbie!
Glad you're so happy
As for Dusty- well, I imagine he's chosen to learn a lesson the hard way. The very hard way....
And what a great status it was to leave us all with!
Happy Birthday to Shelbie and so sorry she's having to deal with BF drama.
Hope you and yours have a great Christmas together.
I like all the blessings that you count. Had me smiling with your post (other than the ex drama, ugh)
It sounds like you definitely have a lot of good things going on in your life right now.
Definitely prayers for your friend and Dusty too.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
Here's hoping your holiday includes a few relaxing days off :)
Loving the dividers here, btw..really!
Happy Belated Bday Shelbie. Sorry to hear there's been some drama. Here's to a Happy New Year for Shelbie, especially.
I'll pray for your friend.
Have a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for linking up :)
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